Рецензии на книги издательства «Life and Style»

Оценка Asea_Aranion:  5  

Is there anything you don’t want to know about Kate Mulgrew? Might be. But without that, she wouldn’t be the Kate Mulgrew you love: passionate, desperate, tender, a person beautiful beyond her looks, with so much to use and convey to us. That’s kind of obvious, surely, but I was very much aware of the fact while listening to this book of hers.
Before Voyager, I’ve had favourite characters in every Star Trek show, but never a favourite captain. Janeway made it for them all. I could have guessed that Kate is Irish! Moreover, even when playing Isolt – Mulgrew’s first movie role – didn’t she try to reach across almost 20 centuries?
“I have such a great desire to travel… But it’s not so easy, being a woman. One cannot take a sword and a servitor and ride bravely off over the hill!”
Mulgrew… Развернуть