Книги издательства «Underland Press»

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Дополнительные действия The Pilo Traveling Show (The Pilo Family Circus #2)
Will Elliott
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Underland Press
Серия:The Pilo Family Circus

Jamie is rebuilding his life after his previous escape from the Pilo Family Circus, with no memories of the circus besides the clown outfit in his cupboard. Far below, as the…

Дополнительные действия Archangel
Marguerite Reed
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Underland Press
Серия:The Chronicles of Ubastis

The Earth is dying, and our hopes are pinned on Ubastis, an untamed paradise at the edge of colonized space. But such an influx of people threatens the planet's unstudied…

Дополнительные действия The Complete Drive-In
Joe R. Lansdale
Год издания:2010
Издательство:Underland Press

Friday night at the Orbit Drive-in: a circus of noise, sex, teenage hormones, B-movie blood, and popcorn. On a cool, crisp summer night, with the Texas stars shining down like…

Дополнительные действия The Pilo Family Circus
Will Elliot
Год издания:2009
Издательство:Underland Press

“You have two days to pass your audition. You better pass it, feller. You’re joining the circus. Ain’t that the best news you ever got?” Delivered by a trio of psychotic clowns,…

Дополнительные действия Last Days
Brian Evenson
ISBN:0-9802260-0-7, 978-0-9802260-0-3
Год издания:2009
Издательство:Underland Press

Intense and profoundly unsettling, Brian Evenson’s Last Days is a down-the-rabbit-hole detective novel set in an underground religious cult. The story follows Kline, a brutally…

Дополнительные действия The Pilo Family Circus (The Pilo Family Circus #1)
Will Elliott
Год издания:2009
Издательство:Underland Press
Серия:The Pilo Family Circus

"You have two days to pass your audition. You better pass it, feller. You’re joining the circus. Ain’t that the best news you ever got?"

Delivered by a trio of psychotic…

Дополнительные действия Finch
Jeff Vandermeer
ISBN:0-9802260-1-5, 978-0-9802260-1-0
Год издания:2009
Издательство:Underland Press

In Finch, mysterious underground inhabitants known as the gray caps have reconquered the failed fantasy state Ambergris and put it under martial law. They have disbanded House…

Дополнительные действия Last Days
Brian Evenson
Издательство:Underland Press

Intense and profoundly unsettling, Brian Evenson’s Last Days is a down-the-rabbit-hole detective novel set in an underground religious cult. The story follows Kline, a brutally…