Книги издательства «Dearborn Trade Publishing» по рейтингу

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Дополнительные действия The Mega Producers: Secrets of Financial Services Superstars to Lead You to the Top
Steven Drozdeck
Год издания:2003
Издательство:Dearborn Trade Publishing

In the United States, slightly more than half of 1 percent of all the financial professionals control one-quarter of the country's monetary assets. These mega producers made their…

Дополнительные действия Retrain Your Business Brain. Outsmart the Corporate Competition
Donalee Markus, Lindsey Markus, Pat Taylor
Год издания:2004
Издательство:Dearborn Trade Publishing

In today`s world, the source of power is no longer information itself, but rather how individuals organize information. In an era of knowledge workers, victory will go to the…

Дополнительные действия Keeping the Books: Basic Record Keeping and Accounting for the Successful Small Business
Linda Pinson
Издательство:Dearborn Trade Publishing

Most entrepreneurs enter new ventures because they know something about products or retail or sales and marketing. Despite a burning passion for their new businesses,…

Дополнительные действия The Restaurant Start-up Guide: A 12-Month Plan for Successfully Starting a Restaurant
David H. Bangs, Peter Rainsford
Издательство:Dearborn Trade Publishing

The all new edition of The Restaurant Start Up Guide focuses on what to do and when to do it advice for preparing to open a restaurant. This preliminary planner is an…

Дополнительные действия Marketing to Women: How to Increase Your Share of the World's Largest Market
Марта Барлетта
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Dearborn Trade Publishing

The complete field guide to the highly profitable women's market. In this lively 2nd edition of Marketing to Women, Marti Barletta tells you exactly how and why corporations are…