Больше лайфхаков

7 февраля 2020 г.


Колики у младенца

Jamie opened his mouth to prepare himself for another yell, and calmly and confidently the woman flipped the baby over on to just one arm, until he was lying there on his tummy, his tiny arms and legs flopping towards the floor. He wriggled and squirmed there for a second, Des instinctively moving forwards – it looked like he would fall, balanced so precariously on a single limb – and then the impossible happened. Jamie blinked his huge, glass-blue eyes once, twice, then somehow his tiny rosebud mouth found his thumb and he settled. Within seconds, and with all of them watching, as clearly and humorously as in a cartoon, his eyes grew heavy, heavier … and he was fast asleep.
‘What did you do?’ asked Issy, amazed. It had been like magic.
‘Um …’ said the woman, clearly searching for the English words. ‘Hmm. Let me see. It is like the tiger in the tree.’
They both looked at her.
‘When little babies have sore tummies … then they like to lie like the tiger in the tree. It helps their tummies.’