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21 января 2021 г. 01:56


5 since the world has no meaning, let us live!

самый жизнеутверждающий, испепеляющий пессимизм, который только можно вообразить.

"the lyrical state is a state beyond forms and systems. a sudden fluidity melts all the elements of our inner life in one fell swoop, and creates a full and intense rhythm, an ideal convergence. compared to the refined culture of sclerotic forms and frames, which mask everything, the lyrical mode is utterly barbarian in its expression. its value resides precisely in its savage quality: it is only blood, sincerity, and fire." (on being lyrical)

"the truly awful thing in madness is that we sense a total and irrevocable loss of life while we are still living. i continue to eat and drink, but i have lost whatever consciousness i bring to my biological functions." (the premonition of madness)

"i would like instead…


Оригинальное название: Pe culmile disperării

Дата написания: 1933

Язык: Русский (в оригинале Румынский)


Всего 1

21 января 2021 г. 01:56


5 since the world has no meaning, let us live!

самый жизнеутверждающий, испепеляющий пессимизм, который только можно вообразить.

"the lyrical state is a state beyond forms and systems. a sudden fluidity melts all the elements of our inner life in one fell swoop, and creates a full and intense rhythm, an ideal convergence. compared to the refined culture of sclerotic forms and frames, which mask everything, the lyrical mode is utterly barbarian in its expression. its value resides precisely in its savage quality: it is only blood, sincerity, and fire." (on being lyrical)

"the truly awful thing in madness is that we sense a total and irrevocable loss of life while we are still living. i continue to eat and drink, but i have lost whatever consciousness i bring to my biological functions." (the premonition of madness)

"i would like instead…


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