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A samurai epic of staggering proportions, the acclaimed Lone Wolf and Cub begins its second life at Dark Horse Manga with new, larger editions of over 700 pages, value priced. The brilliant…
Серия: Lone Wolf and Cub: Omnibus
Издательство: Dark Horse Manga

1: Son for Hire, Sword for Hire
2: A Father Knows His Child's Heart, as Only a Child Can Know His Father's
3: From North to South, from West to East
4: Baby Cart on the River Styx
5: Suio School Zanbato
6: Waiting for the Rains
7: Eight Gates of Deceit
8: Wings to the Birds, Fangs to the Beast
9: The Assassin's Road
10: Red Cat
11: The Coming of the Cold
12: Tragic O-sue
13: The Gateless Barrier
14: Winter Flower
15: The Flute of the Fallen Tiger
16: Half Mat, One Mat, a Fistful of Rice

ISBN: 9781616551346

Год издания: 2013

Язык: Английский

Series: Lone Wolf and Cub (Book 1)
Paperback: 712 pages
Publisher: Dark Horse Manga (June 4, 2013)
Language: English

Лауреат: 2001 г.Премия индустрии комиксов имени Уилла Айснера (Лучшее американское издание зарубежного материала)


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