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What Can We Know and What May We Hope for?. The Epistemic Condition of a Pandemic. Dmitriy Kralechkin

Independent scholar and translator, contributing editor of philosophical literary journal “Logos”; Moscow, Russian Federation;


The article analyses the general setting of medical knowledge, which includes and privileges the individual patient’s position. In a pandemic, this setting suffers from overstretching that produces drastic changes, shifting the equilibrium that has been achieved by emphasizing an individual private observer, eliminating anomalies and generalizing knowledge. The pandemic threatens to overturn this fragile equilibrium, but, at the same time, may sketch a new epistemic assemblage.

Keywords: pandemic, epistemic condition, Canguilhem, private patient

DOI: 10.22394/978-5-93255-592-7_1

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Когда мы спрашиваем «Чем я болею?» или «Чем болеешь?» и даже просто «Я болею или это ерунда?», в определении самого факта болезни и ее качества задействуются три основные линии адресации вопроса, три оси, которые определяют выявления болезни как таковой.