Прощай, COVID?

Peter, Lenin, COVID. Yoel Regev

Yoel Regev. Associate Professor, Stasis Center for Practical Philosophy, European University at St Petersburg, Department of Sociology and Philosophy; 6/1A, Gagarinskaya St., St Petersburg, 191187, Russia;


The paper deals with a special kind of temporality, that of “past-non-determined”. Contrary to the common-sense position, based on the metaphysics of presence, this temporality is provided here an ontological, and not only subjective, status. While being characterizing each beginning disease, it is especially important for understanding of the current situation of COVID-19 – a new disease spreading all over the world. This situation is further determined as proclaiming the arrival of a new kind of modernity, which is based on algorithms of cutting the temporal rows and changing the past.

Keywords: ontology, temporality, TJ-ing, touching typology

DOI: 10.22394/978-5-93255-592-7_3

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– Я соглашусь на сотрудничество с единственным условием – я буду лечить вас. Впрочем, мы будем лечиться вместе.

– От чего же мы будем лечиться? – спросил Кранах.

– Когда вылечимся, узнаем, – лихо ответил Кононов.

Сергей Ануфриев, Павел Пепперштейн. Мифогенная любовь каст
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