• Возвращение во Флоренцию Джудит Леннокс
    ISBN: 978-5-387-00505-3
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: СЛОВО/SLOVO
    Язык: Русский

    Роман "Возвращение во Флоренцию" на русском языке публикуется впервые. 1933 год, юные сестры Тесса и Фредди Николсон проводят беззаботное лето в Италии. Но скоро Италия становится лишь воспоминанием для Тессы. Успешная и независимая, она ведет богемную жизнь в роскошном Лондоне и гордится своими свободными взглядами на любовь. Все меняется после ее романа с Майло Райкрофтом, женатым писателем. Роковая связь приводит к драме, в которой сплелись судьбы многих героев романа. Немало испытаний выпадет на их долю. "Возвращение во Флоренцию" - это роман о любви и ненависти, случайных встречах и долгих разлуках, страдании и прощении. Британская…

  • Catching the Tide Judith Lennox
    ISBN: 978-0755344871
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Headline Review
    Язык: Английский

    A stunning epic novel of secrets, betrayal and passion, from 1933 to the 1960s 1933. Tessa and Frederica Nicolson enjoy one last idyllic summer at the beautiful Villa Millefiore, overlooking Florence. Four years later, Italy is a distant memory and Tessa is revelling in the glamour and excitement of modelling in London, until a passionate affair with married author Milo Rycroft leads to tragic consequences. Tessa returns to Florence, and, missing her sister desperately, Freddie, too, travels to Italy, where she is swept up in adventure, danger and romance, and makes a chance encounter that will change her life. With the outbreak of…

  • Catching the Tide Judith Lennox
    ISBN: 9780755344895
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Headline Review
    Язык: Английский

    A stunning epic novel of secrets, betrayal and passion, from 1933 to the 1960s. 1933. Tessa and Frederica Nicolson enjoy one last idyllic summer at the beautiful Villa Millefiore, overlooking Florence. Four years later, Italy is a distant memory and Tessa is revelling in the glamour and excitement of modelling in London, until a passionate affair with married author Milo Rycroft leads to tragic consequences. Tessa returns to Florence, and, missing her sister desperately, Freddie, too, travels to Italy, where she is swept up in adventure, danger and romance, and makes a chance encounter that will change her life. With the outbreak of World…

  • Catching the Tide Judith Lennox
    ISBN: 9780755344888
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Headline Review
    Язык: Английский

    A stunning epic novel of secrets, betrayal and passion, from 1933 to the 1960s 1933. Tessa and Frederica Nicolson enjoy one last idyllic summer at the beautiful Villa Millefiore, overlooking Florence. Four years later, Italy is a distant memory and Tessa is revelling in the glamour and excitement of modelling in London, until a passionate affair with married author Milo Rycroft leads to tragic consequences. Tessa returns to Florence, and, missing her sister desperately, Freddie, too, travels to Italy, where she is swept up in adventure, danger and romance, and makes a chance encounter that will change her life. With the outbreak of…

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