Издания и произведения

  • Cold Марико Тамаки
    ISBN: 1626722730, 978-1626722736
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Roaring Brook Press
    Язык: Английский

    A boy, a murder, a girl, a secret. From award-winning author Mariko Tamaki comes Cold, a haunting YA novel about a shocking crime, told by a boy who died―and a girl who wants to know why. Who was Todd Mayer, and why don't any of his fellow students at Albright Academy seem to know, or want to say, anything about him? Todd Mayer is dead. Now a ghost, hovering over his body, recently discovered in a snow covered park, naked and frozen. As detectives investigate Todd's homicide, talking to the very people linked to the events leading to his death, Todd replays the choice that led him to his end. Georgia didn't know Todd. But ever…

  • Нежный холод Марико Тамаки
    ISBN: 978-5-00195-749-2
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
    Язык: Русский

    Тодд Майер мертв. Теперь он призрак, парящий над телом, найденным в городском парке зимним утром. Пока детективы расследуют его убийство, Тодд вспоминает цепочку событий, которые привели к его смерти. Джорджия не знала Тодда, но она не в силах перестать думать о нем. Быть может, потому, что они оба изгои в своей школе. Или потому, что Джорджии кажется: раньше она видела Тодда где-то, где он не должен был быть…

  • Произведения

  • Cold Марико Тамаки
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Cold
    Язык: Английский

    Who was Todd Mayer, and why don't any of his fellow students at Albright Academy seem to know, or want to say, anything about him? Todd Mayer is dead. Now a ghost, hovering over his body, recently discovered in a snow covered park, naked and frozen. As detectives investigate Todd's homicide, talking to the very people linked to the events leading to his death, Todd replays the choice that led him to his end. Georgia didn't know Todd. But ever since she heard about his death, she can’t stop thinking about him. Maybe because they’re both outcasts at their school, or because they’re both queer. Maybe because the story of Todd people keep…

  • Нежный холод Марико Тамаки
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Cold
    Перевод: А. Маркина
    Язык: Русский