Издания и произведения

  • Waiting for Sunrise William Boyd
    ISBN: 978-1408817742
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Bloomsbury UK
    Язык: Английский

    Vienna, 1913. Lysander Rief, a young English actor, walks through the city to his first appointment with eminent psychiatrist, Dr Bensimon. Sitting in the waiting room he is anxiously pondering the particularly intimate nature of his neurosis when a young woman enters. Lysander is immediately drawn to her strange, hazel eyes and her unusual, intense beauty. Her name is Hettie Bull. Their subsequent affair is both passionate and particularly destructive. Moving from Vienna to London's West End, from the battlefields of France to hotel rooms in Geneva, Waiting for Sunrise is a feverish and mesmerising journey into the human psyche, a…

  • Waiting for Sunrise William Boyd
    ISBN: 978-1-4088-3527-2
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    Язык: Русский

    Vienna, 1913. Lysander Rief, a young English actor, sits in the waiting room of the city's preeminent psychiatrist as he anxiously ponders the particularly intimate nature of his neurosis. When the enigmatic, intensely beautiful Hettie Bull walks in, Lysander is immediately drawn to her, unaware of how destructive the consequences of their subsequent affair will be. One year later, home in London, Lysander finds himself entangled in the dangerous web of wartime intelligence - a world of sex, scandal and spies that is slowly, steadily, permeating every corner of his life...

  • L'attente de l'aube Уильям Бойд
    ISBN: 2021065006, 978-2021065008
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Seuil
    Язык: Французский

    En cette fin d'été 1913, le jeune comédien anglais Lysander Rief est à Vienne pour tenter de résoudre, grâce à cette nouvelle science des âmes qu'est la psychanalyse, un problème d'ordre intime. Dans le cabinet de son médecin, il croise une jeune femme hystérique d'une étrange beauté qui lui prouvera très vite qu'il est guéri, avant de l'entraîner dans une histoire invraisemblable dont il ne sortira qu'en fuyant le pays grâce à deux diplomates britanniques, et ce au prix d'un marché peu banal. Dès lors, Lysander, espion malgré lui, sera contraint de jouer sur le théâtre des opérations d'une Europe en guerre les grands rôles d'une série de…

  • Произведения

  • Waiting for Sunrise Уильям Бойд
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Waiting for Sunrise
    Язык: Английский
  • Аудиокниги

  • Waiting for Sunrise Уильям Бойд
    ISBN: 9780062125651
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Harper Audio
    Язык: Английский

    Young English actor Lysander Rief is undergoing psychoanalysis in Vienna in 1913. There he begins an affair with Hettie Bull, the consequences of which eventually lead him into the world of espionage. Narrator Robert Ian Mackenzie’s rich voice and slightly clipped diction are perfect matches for both the period and the social class of the main characters. Mackenzie’s characterizations seem quite effortless, and, with a plot that moves across several European countries, he successfully handles different accents so that they add to the richness of the narrative. His presentation of the female characters is particularly strong, and, as Rief,…
