• Franklin & Washington: The Founding Partnership Эдвард Дж. Ларсон
    ISBN: 0062880152, 9780062880154
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: William Morrow
    Язык: Английский

    Theirs was a three-decade-long bond that, more than any other pairing, would forge the United States. Vastly different men, Benjamin Franklin—an abolitionist freethinker from the urban north—and George Washington—a slavehold­ing general from the agrarian south—were the indispensable authors of American independence and the two key partners in the attempt to craft a more perfect union at the Constitutional Convention, held in Franklin’s Philadelphia and presided over by Washington. And yet their teamwork has been little remarked upon in the centuries since. Illuminating Franklin and Washington’s relationship with striking new detail and…
