The Great Secret of Holy Death

Maribel Pedrera P?rez – Maga Beth



– 1 white candle of the Most Holy Death

– 1 bone statue of the Most Holy Death

– 1 shelf

– 1 white tablecloth

– 1 glass of tequila

– 1 white plate

– 1 piece of bread

– 1 red apple

– 5 white carnations

– 12 coins, they must be yours

– 1 glass of water

– lotion of the Holy Death


Find a place to set up your altar and put the shelf. Place the tablecloth and your image in the middle of the altar. Clean the statue with the lotion of the Most Holy Death. Place the candle in front of the statue, light it up and say the following prayer:

Oh, my Lady, by your divine powers and your infinite power I ask you to free me from all the material and spiritual dangers of (say the name of the person), so I can always arrive safe and sound to this your altar, since we admire your power and for this we ask you to never leave us. So be it.

Place the rest of the ingredients, little by little, and at the end put the bread and the coins on the white plate. Change all the ingredients when you think it is necessary and change the glass of water every week.

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