Издания и произведения

  • Fin de combat Карл Уве Кнаусгорд
    ISBN: 2207136086, 9782207136089
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Denoël
    Язык: Французский

    In the critically acclaimed autobiographical novel work, My Struggle, explores Karl Ove Knaus Farm mercilessly and even releasing his own life, his ambitions and weaknesses, its uncertainty and doubt, his relationships with friends and lovers, wife and children, mother and father. It is a work where life is described in all shades, from the crucial harrowing moments everyday life's smallest details. It is also a risky project where the boundaries between private and public sectors exceeded, not without cost to the author himself and for the people described. In the sixth and last book is about the realization of the work: the release…

  • The End Карл Уве Кнаусгорд
    ISBN: 9780099590194
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский

    In My Struggle, Karl Ove Knausgaard examines with ruthless, unsparing rigour his life, his ambitions and frailties, his uncertainties and doubts, and his relationships with friends and exes, his wife and children, his mother and father. It is an opus in which life is described in all its nuances from moments of great drama to the most trivial everyday details. It is also a project that is full of risk, where the borders between private and public worlds cross, not without cost for the author himself and the people portrayed. The End, the sixth and final book, reflects back on the personal fallout from the earlier volumes, with Knausgaard…

  • The End: My Struggle Book 6 Карл Уве Кнаусгорд
    ISBN: 978-0914671992
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Archipelago
    Язык: Английский

    The final installment in the long awaited, internationally celebrated My Struggle series. The full scope and achievement of Knausgaard's monumental work is evident in this final installment of his My Struggle series. Grappling directly with the consequences of Knausgaard's transgressive blurring of public and private Book Six is a troubling and engrossing look into the mind of one of the most exciting artists of our time. Knausgaard includes a long essay on Hitler and Mein Kampf, particularly relevant (if not prescient) in our current global climate of ascending dictatorships.

  • Kämpfen Karl Ove Knausgård
    ISBN: 3630874150, 978-3630874159
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Luchterhand Literaturverlag
    Язык: Немецкий

    Die Rücksichtslosigkeit anderen – aber vor allem sich selbst gegenüber. Die Radikalität des Ansatzes. Die schwindelerregenden Wechsel zwischen kleinsten Details und großen Gedanken. Die essayistischen Passagen zu Themen der Kunst- und Literaturgeschichte. Und diesmal auch: die berührende Schilderung einer Krankheit und Ehekrise. In „Kämpfen“, dem fulminanten Abschluss des sechsbändigen autobiographischen Projektes von Karl Ove Knausgård, findet sich alles, was schon die ersten fünf Bände zu einem Ereignis machte, und geht noch einmal weit darüber hinaus. Geschrieben nach dem sensationellen Erfolg der Vorgängerbände in Norwegen, dem…

  • Min kamp 6 Карл Уве Кнаусгорд
    ISBN: 8249507169
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Forlaget Oktober
    Язык: Норвежский

    Dette er sjette og siste bok om forfatterens liv. Den handler om realiseringen av verket, om utgivelsen av de tidligere bindene, om omstendighetene rundt, om litteraturen selv og dens forhold til virkeligheten.

  • Произведения

  • The End Карл Уве Кнаусгорд
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Min kamp. Sjette bok
    Перевод: Don Bartlett, Martin Aitken
    Язык: Английский

    In this final novel in the My Struggle cycle, Karl Ove Knausgaard examines life, death, love and literature with unsparing rigour and begins to count the cost of his project. The End reflects on the fallout from the earlier books, with Knausgaard facing the pressures of literary acclaim and its often shattering repercussions. It is at once a meditation on writing and its relationship with reality, and an account of a writer's relationship with himself - from his ambitions to his doubts and frailties.