Издания и произведения

  • Хроніки Кліфтона. Книга 5. Могутніше за меч Джеффри Арчер
    ISBN: 978-966-03-9562-6
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Фолио
    Язык: Украинский

    «Могутніше за меч» — п’ята книга серії «Хроніки Кліфтона». Події в романі відбуваються у 1964—1970 роках. Гаррі Кліфтон, уже відомий в усьому світі письменник, президент анг­лійського ПЕН-клубу, розпочинає кампанію щодо звільнення Анатолія Бабакова, перекладача Сталіна, засланого до Сибіру за те, що він написав правдиву книжку про вождя світового пролетаріату. Дружину Гаррі Емму, голову правління «Судноплавної компанії Беррінґтонів», через наслідки невдалої спроби бойовиків ІРА потопити комфортабельний лайнер «Бекінґем», збудований цією компанією, і судовий процес, розпочатий леді Вірджинією Фенвік, змушують піти у відставку. Себастьян…

  • Die Wege der Macht Jeffrey Archer
    ISBN: 9783453419926
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Heyne
    Язык: Немецкий

    Die Wege der Familien Clifton und Barrington sind gezeichnet von Glück und Leid, von Machtspielen und Schicksalsschlägen. Während sich sein Jugendfreund Giles in eine Frau mit dunkler Vergangenheit verliebt, reist Harry Clifton nach Sibirien. Harry will dem dort inhaftierten Schriftsteller Babakow helfen – und bringt sich damit in große Gefahr. Auch für seine Frau Emma, die der Barrington-Gesellschaft vorsteht, schlägt eine schwere Stunde …

  • Mightier than the Sword Джеффри Арчер
    ISBN: 978-0230748262
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Macmillan
    Язык: Английский

    Mightier than the Sword opens with an IRA bomb exploding during the MV Buckingham's maiden voyage across the Atlantic - but how many passengers lose their lives? When Harry Clifton visits his publisher in New York, he learns that he has been elected as the new president of English PEN, and immediately launches a campaign for the release of a fellow author, Anatoly Babakov, who's imprisoned in Siberia. Babakov's crime? Writing a book called Uncle Joe, a devastating insight into what it was like to work for Stalin. So determined is Harry to see Babakov released and the book published, that he puts his own life in danger. His wife Emma,…

  • Mightier than the Sword Jeffrey Archer
    ISBN: 0330517961, 9780330517966
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Pan Books
    Язык: Английский

    A bomb goes off, but how many passengers on the MV Buckingham have lost their lives? You will find out only if you read the opening chapter of Mightier than the Sword. When Harry arrives in New York, his publisher Harold Guinzberg tells him he has been elected as the next president of English PEN, which will give him the opportunity to launch a campaign for the release of a fellow author, Anatoly Babakov, who is languishing in a Russian Gulag in Siberia. His crime, writing a book Uncle Joe, which gives an insight into what it was like to work for Josef Stalin. So determined is he to see Babakov released, Harry puts his own life in…

  • Произведения

  • Mightier Than the Sword Jeffrey Archer
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Mightier Than the Sword
    Дата написания: ~2005
    Первая публикация: 2005
    Язык: Английский

    When Harry arrives in New York, his publisher Harold Guinzberg tells him he has been elected as the next president of English PEN, which will give him the opportunity to launch a campaign for the release of a fellow author, Anatoly Babakov, who is languishing in a Russian Gulag in Siberia. His crime, writing a book Uncle Joe, which gives an insight into what it was like to work for Josef Stalin. So determined is he to see Babakov released, Harry puts his own life in danger. Emma Clifton, now Chairman of Barrington Shipping, is having to face the repercussions of the IRA bombing her ship. Some board members feel she should resign while…

  • Аудиокниги

  • Mightier Than the Sword Джеффри Арчер
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Macmillan Audio
    Язык: Английский

    Jeffrey Archer's sweeping tale of the Clifton family advances to the late 1960s. Harry Clifton is more successful than ever as a novelist, and has just been elected president of PEN Britain. He learns of a writer in Russia whose memoir of life inside Stalin's palace has landed the writer in prison for life, his book taken off shelves and destroyed. Harry becomes obsessed with freeing the writer and telling his story. His wife Emma, meanwhile is the chair of Barringtons Shipping, having escaped a plot to destroy their company by bombing one of their luxury liners, and now the company is thriving. But old villains remain determined in…
