• Moriarty the Patriot, Vol. 8 Такэути Рёсукэ
    ISBN: 197472087X, 978-1974720873
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Viz Media
    Язык: Английский

    The untold story of Sherlock Holmes’ greatest rival, Moriarty! Before he was Sherlock’s rival, Moriarty fought against the unfair class caste system in London by making sure corrupt nobility got their comeuppance. But even the most well-intentioned plans can spin out of control—will Moriarty’s dream of a more just and equal world turn him into a hero…or a monster? Judgment is about to be served when William Moriarty finally comes face-to-face with the fake Jack the Ripper, who is actually a group of men who are tarnishing his childhood mentor’s good name for the sake of sowing fear and discord in London. After William and his gang…

  • 憂国のモリアーティ8 / Yuukoku no Moriarty Такэути Рёсукэ
    ISBN: 978-4088817668
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Shueisha
    Язык: Японский

    腐敗した市警の闇を暴く大胆不敵の美しき刺客── 偽ジャック・ザ・リッパー達と対峙したウィリアム。その裁きの時が──。一方、シャーロックはこの事件を契機に、犯罪卿に対してとある推理に至る。その矢先、市警が存在しないはずの“ジャック・ザ・リッパー”の逮捕を発表。この冤罪を暴くためボンドは市警への潜入工作を開始するが…!? そして、犯罪相談役と諮問探偵は再び相見える!!