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Auction of virgins
An elite closed club in the suburbs of Moscow was selling membership, which cost fabulous amounts of money. Those with power and money are always honorary members of the club, paying for the opportunity to be masters of life and just to be themselves.
The club has its own rules and its own history. In its numerous cellars to which the secret doors lead, life boils: people here are born and die, love and hate, rejoice and cry, and each of them had their own difficult fate, which led to this terrible place.
The B3 floor is divided into two parts. Pregnant women are contained in one small block, and children of all ages are in the second, which is several times larger in size.
Boys, almost immediately after birth, are given up for adoption, while girls from the very cradle come into the School of Noble Maidens, to undergo rigorous training. Here they are taught to be an ideal woman, an ideal slave, to fulfill all the whims and orders of the one who wins them at auction at the age of eighteen.
None of these young ladies know who their real mother is. They are deprived of parental love and affection The pregnant women living in this elite brothel replenish this school with newer and newer children every year, and never see their little ones after their birth.
After giving birth, the women have only a month to bring themselves back to normal and then must go on working. They are transferred to the B2 floor. There they are servants of members of the elite club until they are lucky enough to become pregnant again.
Girls in this school are kept like princesses; from the youngest age they are taught how to be an ideal wife or a concubine for a wealthy man. Every year, fifty to one hundred girls are born in the club and groups are formed according to birth dates. Each group has about fifteen to thirty people.
One of these lucky ones is, Diana., She never knew her mother and grew up with the other dungeon girls. Caring teachers gave their wards everything that was required for good development: food, attention, education. Sometimes the children were taken out to the sun, to a special playground in a closed park, and for Diana, these minutes were most precious. The sounds of nature, fresh air and the gentle rays of the sun: she loved it more than anything else and enjoyed these magical moments.
The main part of the training of the School of Noble Maidens was to prepare the girls to be an ideal wife, lover or slave for their buyer. Each girl had to be submissive and grateful for everything to the one who would buy her and take from this place. Girls had to be ready for any hardships of life, and from birth on, the only meaning of their life was to please the master.
Girls dreamed about the day when they would be bought for marriage or other purposes, and then they would be able to see the sun much more often.
Many rumors circulated among the girls, but no one really knew what exactly happened after the auction. Sometimes at night Diana and her friends managed to get into the room next door where the pregnant women were located, and then, these more experienced ladies told the girls numerous nightmare stories about male perverts who beat and raped women, humiliated them and forced to do unthinkable things.
“If you are lucky, then a worthy person will buy you; the one who will love and appreciate you, and if not, try to put him to sleep and run away!” This is the only way to survive! – said one future mothers. She, at least, understood that one day her daughter would also be bought by one of the members of this infernal club.
Most of the pregnant women looked quite old, with scars and injuries None of them smiled. Some were kept in separate wards, tied up so that they would not harm themselves. It was strange for Diana to see these women, but her curiosity overcame her and she still tried to slip into this wing every once in a while to learn something new and forbidden.
* * *
The auction of noble girls took place once every three months. The coveted lots were the girls who had come of age.
This closed country club was world-famous for its auctions, and people from all over the world came here to purchase outlandish goods: some looking for a submissive wife, and some needed an obedient housekeeper or slave. The customers valued the girls’ education, as they were taught to serve correctly, while also being fluent in several major languages.
The cost of each lot began with a minimum rate, and sometimes reached such amounts that could cover the costs of a hospital for the year ahead.
The auction hall was located on the B1 floor, in the main client area, where there were hotel rooms, bars, and halls where every sexual whim could be satisfied.
Diana had heard that the girls could not leave the B3 floor without being accompanied by one of the teachers. Today Diana would see everything. The elevator lifted her and the other lots to the B1 floor into a huge and cozy assembly hall, separate from the hotel blocks. All the girls were noticeably nervous.
“The more a man pays for you, the more likely he will appreciate and care. So girls, your task is to sell yourself at a higher price when the time comes,” sighed the caring future mothers, trying to see something familiar in these children.
“Try to smile and do everything possible to repay the club holders for their care of you during all these years. Your task is to get as much money out of these rich people as possible!” exhorted the teacher, who had raised them as if they were her own daughters.
Diana and her sisters did everything possible and impossible to prepare for this solemn and exciting day. Everyone understood that the better show she made of herself, the better a price she could fetch, and therefore have a better life
In anticipation of the day of the auction, Diana dreamed and hoped with all her heart that she would be bought by a caring and kind person who would be able to give her the opportunity to see the sunlight every day as well as treat her well.
Most wealthy members of the club bought themselves a complacent virgin wife, fully trained in how to keep the family hearth. Each girl had a chance to be bought just for marriage. With a sinking heart, Diana was waiting for her finest hour, and finally, the time came.
Two weeks after her eighteenth birthday, the cherished date of the auction was announced, which meant she would have the opportunity to leave her cozy home corner and enter a new and exciting world. After listening to the stories about the cruelty of wealthy husbands and masters, she was very worried that fate would play a cruel joke on her. Who would buy her at auction?
* * *
D’s whole life had been leading up to this moment. The lessons in walking correctly, talking correctly holding herself correctly. And of course, how to hold other people too. Not that she had ever touched a man before; in all her eighteen years she had only seen them in pictures, and in the form of a dummy. So now, on the day of the auction, her excitement had no bounds. Tonight, she told herself, will be the night when I first touch a man. Tonight, I will lose my innocence. By the day of the auction, every girl was fully prepared to be the most ideal wife or concubine for absolutely any man.
On the night of the auction, many wealthy men were gathered in the hall. Diana and several of her friends, dressed in translucent clothes that did not hide their youthful dignity, were waiting for their name to be announced and felt noticeably nervous. Diana knew, with her appearance, she had a great chance to get good money paid for her, which means she had a better position than her sisters.
During the auction, when bids increase, and the hall becomes unbearably hot from male hormones, girls demonstrate their abilities by performing a dance or gymnastic number. Diana heard the audience scream, argue and bid. Her heart was ready to burst out of fear. It’s her turn to go now. In a moment it’s her way out!
A bright light hit her eyes and for a moment she closed them, moving her face away from the spotlights. But then, having gathered herself, she smiled and turned to the public, demonstrating her graceful gait. The starting price was announced, and the room was noisy again. The stakes were rising, but not as fast and high as the girl had expected. She needed to do something to raise the price.
Diana began to slightly jump, making beautiful ballet passes in the air, and after spinning, crouched in a humble bow. First, she showed her favorite aplomb number – she had prepared this technique to demonstrate her excellent balance and ability to stand on one leg for a long time, then she showed ‘arabesque’ – showing the potential buyer her perfect flexibility and the ability to raise her leg to such any required height. She did everything that she knew better than anyone else and at the end of her performance, she did the splits and bowed to the audience, illuminating them with her childish and naive smile.
The hall buzzed and the rates rapidly went up. Diana was nervous; although she had been trained for so many years to be the perfect slave for the one who would buy her, she was terrified that she would not be able to put into practice everything that she had been taught. What if her customer turned out to be a woman-beater? Would she be able to endure his bullying and be obedient and grateful to him at the same time?
“Not now! Do not panic! Show your best side!” the girl tried to hide her anxiety, but sometimes, it took a lot of efforts.
The third bang of the gavel meant that the sale was finished, but Diana could not figure out who had made the final bet. Her anxiety went wild, turning into nervous twitching. The mere thought that she would lose her virginity tonight frightened the poor girl very much, and the main fear that settled in her did not let her calm down: who was the man who would take her innocence? She tried not to think about the bad and put up with the inevitable. After all, who was she in this world? Her fate had already been decided from birth. Was it worth it now to be so nervous, if everything is already predetermined?
The room where Diana was sitting was noisy and fun. Girls discussed their customers, said goodbye, made plans and dreamed. Diana sat alone with a sad face and thoughtfully looked at her friends.
“I will never see them again, will I?” she thought unexpectedly as lightning. Suddenly she became very scared.
She moved closer to one of the ladies, a hairdresser preparing them for the auction, and began to ask stupid questions, more to calm herself down than to get answers.
“Do you think a good person bought me?” she began, carefully touching the subject of her interest.
“Who knows, daughter, there are different people here. Most of the buyers come from abroad, but they say there are those who buy a new wife every three years. Basically, these are the oldest and the richest members of the club.”
The conversation with this woman made Diana upset and she preferred to wait for her fate aside. She went and sat by herself and tried not to think about anything.
One of the most cherished desires of the young beauty was to fall in love with her master, so that she would be of the highest value for him, so that he could provide her with good living conditions without punishing her beyond the limits she could bear. But she also realized that it was more of a fantasy, and in the real life everything could be different.
The average age of buyers began from 45; rarely was a virgin bought by someone younger than that. The oldest men in the club and participating in the auction reached 75 years. Diana thought that marrying such an old man or being his concubine was the worst nightmare for every ward of the “school of noble maidens,” but no one spoke about it out loud. Each girl silently hoped that she was one of the lucky ones. Also, Diana dreamed that a man in the prime of life would choose her and they would live happily ever after.
Meeting the master
The long-awaited hour struck, and Diana was led to meet her destiny. Dressed in a majestic outfit and wearing beautiful stilettos, she walked, accompanied by a maid who led her along a long corridor on the B1 floor. Diana was so impatient that her heart was about to jump out of her chest. How many years she had dreamed to see what was happening on other floors. The day had finally come!
It was only allowed to enter the elevator when accompanied by a maid or a teacher. When she was taken out outside, they always put a mask on her face and put all the girls in a van. The mask could not be removed until they found themselves in a field where Diana and other children could frolic under the sun and enjoy its warm rays.
Today, Diana was able to feel like she was a real queen of the ball She was beautifully dressed up, had a make-up and a gorgeous hairstyle. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she did not recognize her reflection.
“I should do everything for him to like me, by all means!”
The B1 floor was different from the B3; there were carpets and drapes around here in the corridors. Many rooms with numbers made Diana tremble with excitement, expecting that the next door would be the last door to pass and she would finally meet her fate.
* * *
“Greetings, my Master, I am Diana, I will be glad to devote my life to your ministry,” the girl who entered the room modestly introduced herself, bowing her head and humbly awaiting the permission to look at her customer.
“I am very glad Diana, nice to meet you! I am Alexander”, he waved his hand at the maid and she hastily left the room.
“You can look at me. I don’t bite!” She heard a pleasant voice and raised her head.
In front of her stood a tall and muscular man, who was at least two and a half times older than Diana. He was brown haired with a beautiful toned body and piercing black eyes, in which Diana immediately drowned. The bewitching darkness of his eyes attracted and scared her. She wanted to quickly look away, but something held her back.
With great difficulty, she humbly lowered her eyes again and blushed, ashamed of her indiscretion, but she could not stop herself at the first meeting with her master.
Alexander came close to her and stroked her hair, unraveling the intricacies of the strands that the female hairdressers had skillfully twisted. The man grabbed the shaggy pile of hair from behind and with a jerk pulled it down, forcing Diana to raise her eyes again. The girl trembled with fear and awe; she obediently raised her eyes and began to look at Alexander. Their eyes met and something flashed bright inside Diana, a previously unknown feeling that burst in her and spread throughout her body, filling her up with a sweet languor.
A man never had touched her body and for her it was the very first and most exciting experience. She stood silently and looked at him, afraid to move and waiting for his orders. The man’s breath was intermittent and hot. Diana felt him with her whole body, as if they were one. During her preparation in the “school of noble maidens,” she was taught a lot about how to satisfy a man, where to caress best and how to find erogenous zones in the shortest possible time. She only needed a single word from him to start putting all her theoretical knowledge into practice.
The smell emanating from Alexander captured the young virgin and she waited for more, analyzing the impatient movements of the man and guessing that she would lose her virginity in this very room.
Diana was excitedly breathing, waiting to see what happened next. This mysterious buyer was so unfamiliar and at the same time so close. She was breathless at the mere thought of what he would do with her next. She waited for him to start, when he began to caress her.
“You can look at me without hesitation, understood?”
“Yes, Master,” Diana shortly answered and smiled at him. She really wanted to look at him, get to know him as much as possible.
Diana's body became cottony and her legs gave way; having noticed this, the man said:
“Not so fast, you and I have a planned party. I must celebrate a successful purchase! And then we'll go home!”
Alexander gently smiled at his purchase and delicately offered her a hand, inviting her to follow him. Diana obediently obeyed, taking his arm and walking alongside him.
They walked into a cramped bar where the loud music was booming, naked women were dancing on high stages and waitresses in black latex robes were serving drinks and meals. People sat on leather sofas at tables; mainly they were obese old men. Naked girls sat on the floor next to most of them, some girls wearing collars. Diana was surprised that the girls were unfamiliar to her; they seemed much older than she was.
“Did all these men really come to the auction? There were only fifteen of us, and here are much more men!” Diana was perplexed and was lost when she saw so many males around her. She wanted to look at so many of them as possible, but such behavior was unacceptable for properly raised girls.
“Is anything wrong?” Alexander asked her, having notices how his companion slowed down in indecision.
“No, Master, everything is fine”.
“Tell me!”
“I've never seen so many men, have they all come to the auction?”
Alexander laughed out loud but did not answer. Approaching one of the tables, he put Diana in a beautiful Venetian-style armchair and sat opposite her.
“Let's drink something! Do you like champagne?”
“I will drink what you order, Master!” Diana blurted out the phrase memorized from the childhood, which made Alexander let out a contented smile.
Diana caught the lustful glances of the old men and felt a little uneasy. With the corner of her eye, she saw how they were looking at her and tried to keep her head as low as possible.
The waitresses brought drinks and fruit. Alexander raised his glass and said loudly, “To a successful purchase! Take a glass and drink with me!” Diana took the glass and carefully tasted the drink. It seemed bitter to her, but she did not dare to express her opinion. She drank everything to the last drop. Its effect was not long in coming.
Alexander went to one of his acquaintances and invited him to their table. An elderly man happily sat next to him and a young girl crawled on her fours after him. She seemed to be very young but looking at someone else's property was a sign of bad taste and Diana again modestly lowered her head, waiting for the order of her Master.
“This is my purchase. I hope that it is very successful. I wanted to get myself a virgin brought up in the style of "complete submission" long ago. Now, I’ve made up my mind.” The man pointed at Diana, showing her to his friend.
“What a successful purchase! This must be celebrated!” the old man raised his glass and drained it. “As for me I almost found mine on the street” he continued after a slight pause “I bought her from the orphanage last year, and I’m raising her myself. It was quite difficult, but cheaper, though …” he lustfully looked at Diana who was dutifully sitting opposite him, “but … maybe I’ll think about the auction too; it’s an interesting undertaking.”
Diana looked out of the corner of her eye at the girl sitting on the floor and noticed that she was also stealthily looking at her. After having a nice chat, the men parted ways.
Alexander took Diana by the arm. She felt a little dizzy after champagne, and hastily led her out of the noisy room. “Put on the blindfold; it’s the club’s demand,” he said handling her painfully familiar thing, but Diana did not need explanations; she had become used wearing a blindfold long ago.
He brought the trembling girl outside. for the first time in a while she breathed in the fresh night air. From surprise, she almost fell, confused and disoriented.
Alexander took her in his arms as if she was light as a feather and carried her to a car. He placed her on the back seat and sat himself aside; then he ordered the driver to move off. Gentle male touches stirred up numerous contradictory feelings in the body of the young lady. She wanted this car ride to last forever. Being in the hands of a strong man, Diana felt small and helpless again, as if embraced by a caring father she had never known.
Listening to the forbidden stories of women from the “maternity ward” about the family and children, she had always imagined how different her fate would be if she’d had a family, if she’d had parents, but she could not imagine how it would feel to be needed and loved. Now, in such close proximity to Alexander’s body, feeling his warmth, she completely relaxed.
Ten minutes later, the man pulled the blindfold off Diana’s eyes and ordered her to place her head on his lap. The girl obediently complied. Alexander began stroking her.
When he touched her face, Diana grew excited. She couldn’t wait to see her new home and was thinking of how her first wedding night would pass, but she didn’t want to spoil everything with her tiredness.
The champagne gradually let her go and she could think soberly. A new life excited and frightened her. From today on she no longer belonged to the club and its handlers but was completely in the grip of this new person. Now her life was in his hands, he was its rightful owner. Her whole world should revolve around his desires, and she should obey him in everything and thank him for the honor rendered to her. She was his property.
She waited so hard for this bright day to come, the day when she could leave the walls of her basement shelter, where she was always under the supervision of wardens, where she was always controlled and where there was not so much fresh air.
Just for the sake of one breath of air, she was ready for any sacrifice. In order to see the sun, to see the green grass, to see happy people – for this she could endure all the hardships of fate! She was even ready to endure humiliation and beatings her whole life.
The master's hands were gentle and soothed the weary traveler. She fell in love with this mysterious and strong man more and more. A million questions flickered in her head as they rode toward her new home. Will she ever be able to go out on her own? Will Alexander allow her to be outside and enjoy the nature? Or did he buy her to only sit at home and satisfy his sexual fantasies?
The girl turned her head and looked at her master. Having caught his look, she was embarrassed and tried to turn away, but he restrained her head, grabbing her neck.
His gaze did not radiate either good or evil, it was difficult for Diana to understand what he was thinking. His black eyes mesmerized and attracted, but at the same time, they cried danger. For the poor girl, this caused confusion.
Alexander’s powerful body tensed with every slightest movement. He was confident in himself and smiled at the world with his gorgeous smile. He seemed to Diana to be perfection itself and she thanked fate that he was the one who had bought her, and not one of those old people she’d seen in the hall.
“I wonder if he will always be affectionate with me. Or is he so courteous on the first day with me, and after he takes my virginity, will treat me like that old man from the club treating his girl?” she thought for a moment and felt herself begin to drown again in his eyes. Then she pushed all her negative thoughts to the back of her head: “For his sake, I’m ready for everything! I’ll wear a chain if he wants! I will do everything he asks for! I was born for this!”
All the lessons of satisfying men flashed through her head at the same time. Diana was breathing heavily, anticipating that today she would have the biggest test of her life.
Alexander gently touched her lips, circling his finger round her lips. Diana opened her mouth and closed her eyes. The man stroked her lips, slowly pushing his finger deeper and deeper. Alexander inserted the whole finger into her mouth and Diana began to suck it, recalling how she was taught to satisfy a man orally on the training mannequins. Alexander’s whole body tensed, Diana felt his breathing quicken, all the muscles in his legs stretched.
“God, what a gentle tongue, how skillfully you can wield it! Perhaps it was not a mistake to pay such crazy money for you!” he pulled his finger out and impatiently sat her up.
“We’ll arrive soon,” the man said with a nervous tone, “look out the window for now.”
He turned away from her, trying to hide his excitement. Diana did not need to be asked twice to look out the window. With surprise and admiration, she looked at every house and every tree passing by. Everything delighted and amazed her. The world that came through the window seemed so unreal.
It was an early morning and the world was waking up. The early rays were beautiful. Diana never saw the dawn and with trepidation she caught every moment, enjoying this show.
The car rushed along the highway. She didn’t know where she was going, but she didn’t care; she trusted her Master and knew that he would not harm her and would take care of her. This thought warmed her soul.
New sensations
After an hour they drove into a luxurious mansion, which looked more like a castle. Diana gasped when looking at it.
“Will I live here for real? What a beautiful house!”
“Do you like it?” Alexander asked quietly.
“Yes, Master! A lot! I have never seen anything prettier!”
“Where could you see houses, silly? You lived in a dungeon!” Alexander laughed and patted her cheek. “Be a little more patient, soon I'll show you everything.”
The master's house was very spacious. A huge hall with a fireplace and columns; all this made Diana feel that she had arrived in a palace, just like in the fairy tales she read with her sisters as a child.
“Here is the kitchen, here is the dining room, and here is the reception hall where we meet our guests,” Alexander took the impressionable girl from one room to another room, showing her the house.
“There,” he pointed to the huge glass wall, “is the pool, right behind the trees, opposite the left wing. My sons live in the left wing, someday I will introduce you.”
“Master has sons. Maybe he also has a wife!” Diana tensed, but then quickly calmed down. “He would not bring me here if he was married”.
“I’ll show you the pool later, I think this place will become your favorite,” he came to his guest and began to stroke her tousled hair. Diana squinted at the mirror and looked at herself: there was no trace of her hairstyle! Now she looked like homeless person.
Alexander seemed to read her thoughts: “There are bathrooms on every floor and in every bedroom. Now I will show you our chambers, there you can take the shower and take care of yourself, and then we will continue,” with these words he led Diana to a huge room, furnished with expensive furniture. She was most interested in the bed. It looked so massive and old that it left Diana breathless.
“You can go to the bathroom,” the man commanded.
“Yes, Master, thank you,” Diana answered meekly and turned towards the door the man was pointing at.
“Wait!” he shouted. The girl obediently froze in place.
“Turn to me!” he rudely ordered. Diana turned and modestly lowered her eyes.
“Look at me!” the command followed again, and the guest raised her eyes, again drowning in his black wells. A sweet languor ran through her body. His gaze made her tremble with fear and pleasure, she did not understand what was happening to her, but she liked it.
The man came up and roughly pressed his lips to hers, clutching her neck and forcing Diana to open her mouth. His tongue roughly penetrated her and moved so fast that she couldn’t catch his rhythm. She tried to answer his kiss, but her actions were so inept that she quickly abandoned all attempts.
“How sweet you are! That's all for now; now go to the bathroom, but not for long! I am waiting!” his voice became a little softer, and Diana felt the strange feeling of infinite tenderness reappearing in her body again. Alexander was so domineering and at the same time, so affectionate, that her heart jumped out of her chest from the mere thought of him.
The man was domineering and reveled in his dominance, he liked how the guest meekly submitted to him. This was exactly what he had been dreaming of for many years. Trying to find a life partner who would respect his authority and satisfy all his sexual fantasies. He had been disappointed for such a long time: all the girls he had found only wanted his money. No one truly, sincerely loved him or was interested in him as a person. With this successful purchase, his life promised to radically change for the better.
When Diana left the bathroom, she was dressed in a translucent dressing gown prepared for her, which revealed her young and beautiful body. Her hair was combed into a long ponytail.
The man was already sitting on the bed, completely naked and impatient.
“Come to me!” he whispered. Diana hastily approached him. His hand touched her face and fingers slipped over it, down to her neck. The girl started breathing quickly from his one touch. He looked at her face, as if seeing her for the first time.
“How beautiful you are, I can’t stop looking at you! Loosen your hair!”
Diana obediently untied her hair and a sheaf of gold fell down her shoulders and back. With a tiny sneak she tried to look at his manhood, but the fear that Alexander would catch her obscene look made her give up her desires and she submissively looked only into his eyes.
“You look like a mermaid! How glad I am that I have acquired you!” His dark eyes did not stop looking at her, making Diana blush with embarrassment. A shiver ran through her body and she involuntarily let out a moan. This innocent call to action stiffened him man and embracing her, he pulled her so close that she felt the beat of his heart, beating in unison with hers.
The heady aroma of his body made her blood run faster; Diana never thought that intimacy with a man could be so exciting.
Living in her underground town and preparing for a meeting with her one and only Master, she did not even realize that she would find such unearthly sensations and she was drowning in them deeper and deeper, allowing her feelings to do their job.
Alexander lay down on the bed, carrying the fragile body of the girl and caressing her back. His breathing was scorching and so alluring that Diana wanted him to dig into her with his lips, but the man hesitated. It seemed that he was stretching this voluptuous moment of pleasure, forcing himself and his servant to suffer from impatience.
Diana closed her eyes in anticipation of pleasure. Alexander ran a hand over her lips, as if trying to make sure that they were real, then fell to them and began to greedily kiss and nibble them.
“I want you so much!”, he exclaimed, moving away from her and turning on his side. “Lie down on your back!” Alexander ordered and roughly turned her body, sitting her on a silk sheet. Diana quickly lay on her back, waiting for whatever came next, afraid to breathe.
“I’ve wanted you for so long now, from the first minute I saw you! You were so beautiful and innocent in your transparent dress there on the stage, and when you started spinning, I lost my mind. At that moment, I realized that I had to buy you, no matter how much you cost!” He patted her on the stomach, appreciating her toned youthfulness. “Put your hands up. I will tie them!” he whispered gently, “I hope you enjoy everything, and you will not be against our games.”
“Master, I like everything you do or will do! I live only to bring you pleasure! I will be grateful to you for everything!”
Alexander smiled prettily and cuffed the hands of his guest to the head of the bed.
“Now I want to enjoy you, my dear! You're a miracle!” he pushed the translucent fabric of her gown aside and exposed her young breasts. Eying up his prey like an experienced hunter, he pounced on her and began to eagerly kiss her neck, going down to her chest. Diana had intuited that the man would not be patient but did not think that he would be so assertive, so aggressive. The girl liked it better when he was gentle with her and was stroking her, but who is she to tell the Master how to handle his property?
Alexander interrupted her thoughts, leaning on the top of her and squeezing her chest. It was difficult for Diana to breathe, but she was afraid to show her man that she was not comfortable and tried to keep quiet.
“My sweet girl, what a soft skin you have, what full lips you have! How delicious you smell!” he ran a hand over her lips, making her tremble. Diana did not fully understand what was happening to her, but she was one hundred percent sure she was madly in love with her master and was ready for any stupidity for his sake.
Diana once again mentally thanked fate that it was Alexander who bought her, and not another man. She dreamed of such a Master as Alexander all her life.
His passionate kiss made her body experience the sweet languor, again and again, wave after wave.
“Spread your legs wide!” ordered the master and the novice dutifully spread her legs, although under his weight it was not easy to do.