Издания и произведения

  • Breasts and Eggs Mieko Kawakami
    ISBN: 978-1509898213
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский

    On a hot summer's day in a poor suburb of Tokyo we meet three women: thirty-year-old Natsu, her older sister Makiko, and Makiko's teenage daughter Midoriko. Makiko, an ageing hostess despairing the loss of her looks, has travelled to Tokyo in search of breast enhancement surgery. She's accompanied by Midoriko, who has recently stopped speaking, finding herself unable to deal with her own changing body and her mother's self-obsession. Her silence dominates Natsu's rundown apartment, providing a catalyst for each woman to grapple with their own anxieties and their relationships with one another. Eight years later, we meet Natsu again. She…

  • Breasts and Eggs Миэко Каваками
    ISBN: 9781529074413
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский

    A beguiling novel about three women struggling to determine their own lives in contemporary Tokyo. On a hot summer's day in a poor suburb of Tokyo we meet three women: thirty-year-old Natsuko, her older sister Makiko, and Makiko's teenage daughter Midoriko. Makiko, an ageing hostess despairing the loss of her looks, has travelled to Tokyo in search of breast enhancement surgery. She's accompanied by Midoriko, who has recently stopped speaking, finding herself unable to deal with her own changing body and her mother's self-obsession. Her silence dominates Natsuko's rundown apartment, providing a catalyst for each woman to grapple with their…

  • Breasts and Eggs Mieko Kawakami
    ISBN: 1609455878, 9781609455873
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Europa Editions
    Язык: Английский

    Kawakami, who exploded into the cultural space first as a musician, then as a poet and popular blogger, and most importantly as a best-selling novelist, challenges every preconception about storytelling and prose style. She is currently one of Japan’s most widely read and critically acclaimed authors, heralded by Haruki Murakami as his favorite young writer. An earlier novella published in Japan with the same title focused on the female body, telling the story of three women: the thirty-year-old unmarried narrator, her older sister Makiko, and Makiko’s daughter Midoriko. Unable to come to terms with her changed body after giving birth,…

  • Breasts and Eggs Mieko Kawakami
    ISBN: 1509898204, 9781509898206
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский

    Breasts and Eggs explores the inner conflicts of an adolescent girl, who refuses to communicate with her mother except through writing. Kawakami writes about what is to be a woman in contemporary Japan today and explores themes of reproduction, bodily autonomy and the possibility of liberation.

  • Seins et Oeufs Mieko Kawakami
    ISBN: 2330002408, 9782330002404
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Actes Sud
    Язык: Французский

    La narratrice de ce roman se prénomme Natchan. Célibataire, elle vit à Tokyo. Au début du livre, sa sœur aînée Makiko, bientôt quarante ans et sa nièce Midoriko à peine treize ans, débarquent chez elle, lui imposent leur présence et plus précisément leurs problèmes. Car Makiko semble avoir profondément changé depuis que son mari l’a quittée. A Osaka, seule avec sa fille, une obsession s’est peu à peu emparée de tout son être : le projet de modifier son apparence en ayant recours à la chirurgie plastique est devenu pour elle le seul moyen d’aspirer à un bonheur nouveau, d’échapper à la haine de soi. Effarée par cet état d’esprit,…

  • Произведения

  • Breasts and Eggs Миэко Каваками
    Дата написания: 2021

    A beguiling novel about three women struggling to determine their own lives in contemporary Tokyo. On a hot summer's day in a poor suburb of Tokyo we meet three women: thirty-year-old Natsuko, her older sister Makiko, and Makiko's teenage daughter Midoriko. Makiko, an ageing hostess despairing the loss of her looks, has travelled to Tokyo in search of breast enhancement surgery. She's accompanied by Midoriko, who has recently stopped speaking, finding herself unable to deal with her own changing body and her mother's self-obsession. Her silence dominates Natsuko's rundown apartment, providing a catalyst for each woman to grapple with their…

  • Электронные книги

  • Летние истории Миэко Каваками
    ISBN: 9785001315544
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Синдбад
    Язык: Русский

    Нацуко Нацумэ ждет в гости сестру и племянницу. Она давно не видела р­одных, но их встреча пройдет совсем не так, как надеялась Нацуко. Ее сестра измучена тяжелой работой в баре и ссорами с дочерью. В Токио она приехала для того, чтобы изменить свою жизнь. И начать она планирует с внешности. Племянница Нацуко беспокоится о своей матери и надеется удержать ее от опрометчивого шага. А еще молчаливая девочка-подросток не хочет взрослеть и боится изменений, которые происходят с ее телом. Сама Нацуко приехала в столицу десять лет назад. Она хотела стать писателем, но до сих пор так и не закончила книгу. Трем женщинам кажется, что мир…
