Издания и произведения

  • Фатерлянд Рю Мураками
    ISBN: 978-5-386-12745-9
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Рипол-классик
    Язык: Русский

    В своем новом романе знаменитый японский «анфан террибль» рисует альтернативное настоящее, где доллар рухнул, а вместе с ним рухнула и экономика Японии. Правительство Северной Кореи, спеша воспользоваться слабиной соседа, отправляет флот повстанцев, которым предстоит осуществить первое в истории Японии вторжение на ее берега. Страна не в силах устоять перед внезапным натиском военной операции «Из Отчизны с любовью», но у нее найдутся неожиданные защитники, которые не позволят Фукуоке пасть без боя.

  • From the Fatherland, with Love Ryu Murakami
    ISBN: 9781908968456
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Pushkin Press
    Язык: Английский

    From the Fatherland, with Love is set in an alternative, dystopian present in which the dollar has collapsed and Japan's economy has fallen along with it. The North Korean government, sensing an opportunity, sends a fleet of 'rebels' in the first land invasion that Japan has ever faced. Japan can't cope with the surprise onslaught of 'Operation From the Fatherland, with Love'. But the terrorist Ishihara and his band of renegade youths - once dedicated to upsetting the Japanese government - turn their deadly attention to the North Korean threat. They will not allow Fukuoka to fall without a fight. Epic in scale, From the Fatherland, with…

  • From the Fatherland, with Love Ryū Murakami
    ISBN: 9781908968494
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Pushkin Press
    Язык: Английский

    From the Fatherland, with Love is set in an alternative, dystopian present in which the dollar has collapsed and Japan's economy has fallen along with it. The North Korean government, sensing an opportunity, sends a fleet of rebels in the first land invasion that Japan has ever faced. Japan can't cope with the surprise onslaught of Operation From the Fatherland, with Love. But the terrorist Ishihara and his band of renegade youths - once dedicated to upsetting the Japanese government - turn their deadly attention to the North Korean threat. They will not allow Fukuoka to fall without a fight. Epic in scale, From the Fatherland, with…
