Издания и произведения

  • The Marriage Lie Kimberly Belle
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Marriage Lie
    Дата написания: ~2016
    Первая публикация: December 29, 2016
    Язык: Английский

    Everyone has secrets. Iris and Will have been married for seven years, and their marriage is as close to perfect as it can be. But on the morning Will leaves for a business trip to Florida, Iris' happy world comes to an abrupt halt. Another plane headed for Seattle has crashed into a field, killing everyone on board, and, according to the airline, Will was one of the passengers. Grief stricken and confused, Iris is convinced it all must be a huge misunderstanding. Why did Will lie about where he was going? What is in Seattle? And what else had he lied about? As Iris sets off on a desperate quest to find out what her husband was keeping…

  • Valede kütkes Kimberly Belle
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Marriage Lie
    Дата написания: ~2016
    Первая публикация: 2017
    Перевод: Leena Suits
    Язык: Эстонский

    Isegi kõige veatumal abielul on pahupool… Kõigil on saladusi… Iris ja Will on olnud abielus seitse aastat ja elu näib olevat nii ideaalne, kui veel olla saab. Aga sel hommikul, kui Will lendab töö asjus Floridasse, saab Irise õnnelik elu järsu lõpu: üks teine, Seattle’i poole teel olnud lennuk on kukkunud põllule ja kõik reisijad on surma saanud ning lennufirma kinnitust mööda oli nende reisijate hulgas ka Will. Leinast muserdatud ja segaduses Iris on veendunud, et see kõik peab olema üks suur eksitus. Miks valetas Will talle selle kohta, kuhu ta teel oli? Mille kohta ta veel valetanud on? Kui Iris asub meeleheitest aetuna abikaasa…

  • Idealne małżeństwo Kimberly Belle
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Marriage Lie
    Дата написания: ~2016
    Первая публикация: 2019
    Перевод: Emilia Skowrońska
    Язык: Польский

    Nie ma idealnych małżeństw. Są tylko doskonałe kłamstwa. Małżeństwo Iris i Willa jest tak perfekcyjne, jak tylko może być. Gdy Will wylatuje w delegację, ginie po nim wszelki ślad.. Dlaczego nie odbiera telefonu? I, co gorsze, dlaczego był na liście pasażerów samolotu, który się rozbił? Czas mija, a mąż nie daje znaku życia. Gdzie jest? Dlaczego kłamał? I czego jeszcze jej nie powiedział? Nawet idealne małżeństwo ma swoją mroczną stronę.

  • The Marriage Lie Кимберли Белл
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Marriage Lie
    Дата написания: ~2016

    ** The #1 eBook bestseller! **‘Utterly compelling!’ Lisa Hall, bestselling author of Between You and Me‘A good, old-fashioned page-turner, with a poisonous sting in the tail.’ Daily MailShe thought they had a perfect marriage….When a plane crashes, Iris Griffiths watches the news unfold with horror…and then relief. Her beloved husband Will had just flown out from the same airport, but he was on a different flight.So why is his name on the list of victims? Surely there’s some mistake – her husband would never lie to her. Would he? But wading deeper into the truth of her husband’s deception, Iris begins to think the unthinkable.Maybe she’s…

  • Аудиокниги

  • The Marriage Lie Kimberly Belle
    ISBN: 9780263927542
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Harper Audio
    Язык: Английский

    When a plane crashes, Iris Griffiths watches the news unfold with horror...and then relief. Her beloved husband Will had just flown out from the same airport, but he was on a different flight. So why is his name on the list of victims? Surely there's some mistake - her husband would never lie to her. Would he? But wading deeper into the truth of her husband's deception, Iris begins to think the unthinkable. Maybe she's glad that he's dead... A chillingly unsettling psychological thriller, perfect for fans of Paula Hawkins, Liane Moriarty , Shari Lapena and Clare Macintosh. Are you ready to question if everything in your life is really as it…

  • Электронные книги

  • The Marriage Lie Kimberly Belle
    ISBN: 9781460396353
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: MIRA Books
    Язык: Английский

    Iris and Will have been married for seven years, and life is as close to perfect as it can be. But on the morning Will flies out for a business trip to Florida, Iris's happy world comes to an abrupt halt: another plane headed for Seattle has crashed into a field, killing everyone on board and, according to the airline, Will was one of the passengers. Grief stricken and confused, Iris is convinced it all must be a huge misunderstanding. Why did Will lie about where he was going? And what else has he lied about? As Iris sets off on a desperate quest to uncover what her husband was keeping from her, the answers she finds shock her to her…
