Издания и произведения

  • Die Dämmerung der Steppengötter Ismail Kadare
    ISBN: 9783100384140
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: S. Fischer
    Язык: Немецкий

    Ismail Kadare, Albaniens berühmtester Autor und seit Jahren Anwärter auf den Literatur-Nobelpreis, war Ende der 50er Jahre Student am berühmten Maxim-Gorki-Literaturinstitut in Moskau. In dieser Zeit wurde er Zeuge der beispiellosen Hetzkampagne in allen Medien gegen Boris Pasternak, der den Nobelpreis nicht entgegennehmen durfte. Illusionslos zeichnet Ismail Kadare ein Bild der Schriftsteller aus allen Teilen des großen Sowjetreichs, denen er im Rahmen seines Studienaufenthaltes am Maxim-Gorki-Institut begegnete. Zu seiner bodenlosen Enttäuschung trifft er überwiegend auf Konformisten, ultraloyale Schmeichler, frustrierte Sozialisten und…

  • Twilight of the Eastern Gods Ismail Kadare
    ISBN: 978-0802123114
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Grove Atlantic
    Язык: Английский

    In 1958, Kadare was selected to pursue his writing and literary studies as a graduate student in Moscow at the prestigious Gorky Institute for World Literature. Twilight of the Eastern Gods is Kadare's fictionalized recreation of his time spent at this "factory of the intellect," a place created to produce a new generation of poets, novelists, and playwrights, all adhering to the state-sanctioned “socialist realist” aesthetic. During his time at the Gorky Institute, a kind of miniature Soviet Union where writers from deepest Siberia, Kazakhstan, and the Caucasus all came to study, Kadare was caught up in the furore over Boris Pasternak's…

  • El ocaso de los dioses de la estepa Ismail Kadare
    ISBN: 978-8420649931
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Alianza Editorial Sa
    Язык: Испанский

    Titulo fundamental dentro de la obra de Ismael Kadaré (1936), EL OCASO DEL LOS DIOSES DELA ESTEPA (1978)- cuya versión definitiva, publicada en 1998 tras la caída del régimen comunista en Albania es la que ahora se ofrece- se nutre de las experiencias del autor, tanto personales como literarias, en sus estancia juvenil en la Unión Soviética. Si bien pueden rastrearse ya en ella algunos de los motivos que son recurrentes en su obra -como la confrontación de los mitos eslavos y albaneses o las relaciones entre el poder y la literatura-, la novela constituye una acerba y corrosiva crítica de los principios que dieron forma al yermo 'realismo…

  • Произведения

  • Twilight of the Eastern Gods Ismail Kadare
    Форма: роман
    Дата написания: 1978
    Перевод: David Bellos
    Язык: Русский

    1958. In a dorm room in Moscow, a young writer is woken by the sound of angry voices on the radio. Through the fog of a hangover he hears the news that a novel called Doctor Zhivago has earned its author the Nobel Prize. There is uproar. The author, Boris Pasternak, faces exile, the press hound him and demand that he refuse the award. A few days earlier the young writer found a copy of this book – could those simple pages really be so dangerous? Based on Ismail Kadare's own experience, Twilight of the Eastern Gods is a portrait of a city, a story of youthful disenchantment and a reminder of the incredible importance of the written word.

  • Twilight of the Eastern Gods Исмаиль Кадаре
    Форма: роман
    Дата написания: 1978

    1958. In a dorm room in Moscow, a young writer is woken by the sound of angry voices on the radio. Through the fog of a hangover he hears the news that a novel called Doctor Zhivago has earned its author the Nobel Prize. There is uproar. The author, Boris Pasternak, faces exile, the press hound him and demand that he refuse the award. A few days earlier the young writer found a copy of this book – could those simple pages really be so dangerous? &t;br/&t; Based on Ismail Kadare's own experience, Twilight of the Eastern Gods is a portrait of a city, a story of youthful disenchantment and a reminder of the incredible importance of the…
