Издания и произведения

  • City in Embers Стейси Мэри Браун
    ISBN: 978-0989013161
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Twisted Fairy Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    Zoey Daniels has been tossed from foster home to foster home, where she grows up fast and tough. When she is placed in her “last-chance home, she finds a reason to stay and turn her life around: her foster sister, Lexi, who is paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Zoey will do anything to keep Lexi safe. After high school, Zoey is hired by a special government agency, the Department of Molecular Genetics (DMG), where she meets the other reason to remain: Daniel, her co-worker, the man she loves. But there is something unique about Zoey. She can see fae. Because of this, the DMG hires her to work as a Collector: catching, researching,…

  • Произведения

  • City in Embers Стейси Мэри Браун
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: City in Embers
    Язык: Английский

    There is something unique about Zoey Daniels. She can see the fae—a species kept hidden from the human world. Because of her talent, she is hired as a Collector by the Department of Molecular Genetics (DMG), a secret government agency that uses fae blood to save human lives, curing things like cancer and birth defects. She is trained to collect the fae, never considering them anything but soulless monsters who feed on humans like their personal buffet. When devastation strikes Seattle, everything Zoey knows is turned upside down. An electrical storm tangles her with Ryker, a ruthless wanderer, who looks like a Viking and kills like a…
