• Фаворит. Американская легенда Лора Хилленбранд
    ISBN: 978-617-12-1493-4, 978-5-9910-3697-9
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Клуб семейного досуга
    Язык: Русский

    Низкорослый кривоногий жеребец по кличке Сухарь, почти два сезона прозябавший на последних строчках списка скаковых лошадей, и полуслепой жокей-неудачник, кочующий с места на место… На центральном ипподроме Калифорнии в провале такой команды никто не сомневался. Да и кто мог соперничать с фаворитом скачек — непобедимым красавцем Адмиралом? Невероятно, но Сухарю это удалось! Именно он в конце Великой депрессии стал кумиром Америки! Поклонение ему было всеобщим и не ограничивалось лишь любителями конного спорта. Однако главная заслуга Сухаря в том, что он сумел объединить трех разных и по-своему несчастных людей: слепнущего чемпиона по…

  • Seabiscuit: The True Story of Three Men and a Racehorse Laura Hillenbrand
    ISBN: 9781841150925
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Fourth Estate
    Язык: Английский

    In 1938 one figure received more press coverage than Mussolini, Hitler or Roosevelt. He was a cultural icon and a world-class athlete - and an undersized, crooked-legged racehorse by the name of Seabiscuit. Unwanted and mishandled, Seabiscuit had spent seasons floundering in the lowest ranks of racing until a chance meeting of three men. Together, they created a champion. This heart-warming true story is a riveting tale of grit, luck, and an underdog's stubborn determination to win against all odds.

  • Seabiscuit: An American Legend Laura Hillenbrand
    ISBN: 0449005615, 9780449005613
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    Язык: Английский

    He didn't look like much. With his smallish stature, knobby knees, and slightly crooked forelegs, he looked more like a cow pony than a thoroughbred. But looks aren't everything; his quality, an admirer once wrote, "was mostly in his heart." Laura Hillenbrand tells the story of the horse who became a cultural icon in Seabiscuit: An American Legend. Seabiscuit rose to prominence with the help of an unlikely triumvirate: owner Charles Howard, an automobile baron who once declared that "the day of the horse is past"; trainer Tom Smith, a man who "had cultivated an almost mystical communication with horses"; and jockey Red Pollard, who was…

  • Seabiscuit: An American Legend Laura Hillenbrand
    ISBN: 0449005615, 9780449005613
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Random House Publishing Group
    Язык: Английский

    Seabiscuit was one of the most electrifying and popular attractions in sports history and the single biggest newsmaker in the world in 1938, receiving more coverage than FDR, Hitler, or Mussolini. But his success was a surprise to the racing establishment, which had written off the crooked-legged racehorse with the sad tail. Three men changed Seabiscuit’s fortunes: Charles Howard was a onetime bicycle repairman who introduced the automobile to the western United States and became an overnight millionaire. When he needed a trainer for his new racehorses, he hired Tom Smith, a mysterious mustang breaker from the Colorado plains. Smith urged…
