Издания и произведения

  • Out of Sight (Tango Key Mysteries) Т.Дж. Макгрегор
    ISBN: 978-0786013234
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Pinnacle Books

    Ambitious scientist George Nash and Luis Manteles, an Ecuadoran shaman, have finally created the technology to make humans and objects invisible, but their project gets out of hand when an experiment with Tyler and Logan Griffin, their first ever human test subjects, goes awry. Three years later, Logan, who escaped shortly after becoming invisible, sneaks into Nash s Florida compound to free her husband, whom Nash has confined in a glass house. With the help of her visible roommate, Logan shuts down the computer system at the same time that the Townsends, a family of three, wander into the test site. Consequently, the Townsends, along with…
