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Chapter 1: A New Enemy
After twenty years, Conan found true love in the person of a beautiful and sweet girl named Amelia. She was twenty years old. She had a thin, pretty face, and she was skinny, so her second-sized breasts looked lush. Her clothes were ordinary, because she was poor, and there was not enough money for normal, more expensive and made of leather clothes. The girl had no father, and she spent her whole life with her mother, who had been a slave of Mr. Almach for a long time, until he became seriously ill. The disease quickly overcame him, and soon Almach, completely deprived of strength, was no longer able to get out of bed. Many of those who served him took advantage of his weakness and fled, among them Amelia's mother. The woman fled with her daughter to the distant desert of Amedina. The desert got its name a long time ago. It is said that on this place there used to be a city of Amedin, which was destroyed by six gods. True, this is only a myth.
Amelia was in her cave near the town of Mafion (the second town from the capital of Mafia), when suddenly she heard hooves sagging into the sand with a quiet rustle, and a horse neighing tiredly. The girl looked out of the cave and saw who was coming.Not far away, seventy meters from the cave, a brown horse was galloping.On it sat a guy with a naked torso, thanks to which the developed muscles were visible.A sword was hanging behind him, showing that the young man was a warrior.It was obvious that he had been on the road for a long time.His hair was damp with sweat, falling over his tired and exhausted face.But he wasn't the only one who was exhausted from the long trip, his faithful horse was too, so he was walking quite slowly.
The girl took the cup her mother had bought.All year she had been begging for money in town.Even giving herself to guys as a sex toy for money.It was a hard time. The girl ran up to a guy and said: "Hello, young master. May I give you some water?".
In society, if you are younger than a person or don't know a person, you call them gentleman. If it's a woman, then Mrs., and further, if she says the name and gives her consent, you can drop the formalities. If they don't say the name, or if they do, but ask not to be called by name, because they love the prefix, then you have to address them respectfully, with all the formalities.
"Hello, child. I am grateful for your water. My name is Conan.I used to be Conan the Barbarian.Now there is no such need in the world because I have become just Conan," the boy said.
Amelia served the water and added in surprise, "You are the famous Conan the Barbarian?Madam, you are a legend.I, when I was a little girl, heard a lot about you..". Conan drank the water and handed her the cup.
– Child, don't call me master, just Conan.
She took the cup, nodded in agreement, and blushed.
– And m…My name is Amelia.
If you don't mind, you can call me by my first name..... – The girl blushed even more. – Or call me "child…" I don't mind, Conan. You're a legend…
Conan jumped down from his horse and saw a woman running towards him, who looked very aggressive. When he saw Amelia, he smiled and waved his hand. Then the woman calmed down, approached and gently said: