Издания и произведения

  • Pandora Hearts Volume 21 Jun Mochizuki
    ISBN: 978-0-3163-7671-6, 978-4-7575-4151-1
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Yen Press
    Язык: Английский

    What you have been granted is the "possibility" of survival. "I want you to be 'happy'..." With these parting words, one man sacrifices himself to save Oz and his companions, who have been chased into a corner. That sentiment succeeds in awakening Oz's heart, long held captive in the depths of his own soul, as though breaking all the chains that bind him.. But when Oz learns the heavy price of his revival, can his resolve withstand it?

  • PandoraHearts 21 Дзюн Мотидзуки
    ISBN: 978-4757541511
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Square Enix
    Язык: Японский

    与えられたのは、生き延びるための"可能性"。 「“幸せ"になってくれ」。追い詰められたオズ達を救うべく、自らを犠牲にした者がいる。その最期の想いが、深遠の彼方に囚われていた、オズの心を呼び覚ます。あたかも与えられた言葉が、全ての鎖を打ち砕く楔であったかのように――――…。