2 августа 2017 г. 12:28


5 "Each time you happen to me all over again"

Overflowing love connets Newland Archer and Ellen Olenska, still keeping them far away from each other. A married man and a separated woman... Passion and duty...

The breathtaking story of their love and tenderness filled me with meloncholy and kept my attention til the last page. Edith Wharton enlivens the eternal drama of people's characters on the background of the New York society in 1870s. With the help of precise detailes, ironical descriptions and vivid dialogues she unfolds in front of us a picturesque panorama of human feelings and longings, struggles between freedom and tradition, honour and treachery, love and duty... Overwhelming love predestined to surrender to conventionalities of the demanding society and personal responsibility...

Could Archer and Ellen ever be together?…


9 марта 2016 г. 21:49



Очень интересная книга с интересными персонажами и простым,как по мне,но с захватывающим сюжетом.Прочитала за один день. Легко и быстро читается.И фильм тоже неплохой.Кто не смотрел фильм,смотрите

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