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Out in the desert in a place called the Palace, a young man tends to a dying soul, someone he once knew briefly, but who has haunted the edges of his life. Juan Gay--playful raconteur, child lost…

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Издательство: Straus and Giroux, Farrar

ISBN: 9780374293574

Год издания: 2023

Язык: Английский

320 pages, Hardcover


"A transfixing collage of gorgeous prose and manipulated illustrations, with themes of cultural erasure and the effervescence of lust and love ... Easily 2023's sexiest novel ... Astonishing ... It steers clear of contrivance, thanks to edgy illustrations, an origami structure, and the author's exquisite eye and ear. This is a novel of ideas, too, brimming with queer history, racial defiance and the injustices of the Freudian era ... Run, don't walk, to buy it."

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