You Have a Friend in 10A: Stories

Мэгги Шипстед - You Have a Friend in 10A: Stories

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From New York Times best-selling author Maggie Shipstead, an irresistible collection of short stories--her…
Издательство: Knopf

ISBN: 9780525656999

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

272 pages, Hardcover


"Shipstead's first story collection reinforces the extensive talent on display in her first three novels. The work is convincing in any setting and any mode, whether it be quiet years on a Montana ranch, exploration of the Parisian catacombs, or a showcase of celebrity-infused horrors in Los Angeles. Shipstead seems to move effortlessly from plane to plane, bringing trademark eloquence and humor to each landscape she chooses ... Shipstead's control and confidence as a writer blaze in each line ... Shipstead's humor is present throughout, but sharpens exceptionally when she turns her attention to working artists ... [a] brilliant, funny and occasionally alarming collection."

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