Jenny Erpenbeck - Kairos

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Jenny Erpenbeck’s much anticipated new novel Kairos is a complicated love story set amidst swirling, cataclysmic…
Издательство: New Directions

ISBN: 9780811229340

Год издания: 2023

Язык: Английский

Michael Hofmann (Translator)

336 pages, Hardcover


"Beautifully translated by Michael Hofmann, the novel provides an intimate account of Katharina's obsessive, transgressive passion ... Erpenbeck writes masterfully about time: days, weeks, and years stretch or collapse ... The arc of Kairos is that of Katharina and Hans's ultimately doomed love, but it is also—how could it not be, written by Erpenbeck?—about the unraveling of the German Democratic Republic."


"Slippery, assured ... Erpenbeck doesn't reduce their romance to mere allegory. She makes the past feel vital and alive, narrating it all in a loose, fluid, present-tense style that often interweaves Katharina's thoughts with those of Hans, presenting their dialogues as long, unbroken sentences, the better to highlight their collaborative quality ... Frequently reads like a collage, braiding together art and history and music ... Erpenbeck presents the intimate and the momentous with equal emphasis, so that personal and historical time run on nearly parallel tracks, until they have no choice but to converge ... She has made the past seem like the present."

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