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In this searing novel, a courageous young woman tries to protect her dream of becoming a doctor as civil war devastates Sri Lanka.

Jaffna, 1981. Sixteen-year-old Sashi wants to become a doctor.…
Издательство: Random House

ISBN: 9780812997156

Год издания: 2023

Язык: Английский

348 pages, Hardcover

First published January 3, 2023


"...A searing and intimate depiction of the Sri Lankan civil war from the point of view of an aspiring doctor ... Ganeshananthan credibly captures the horrors and pain of the conflict felt by those caught between loyalties. It all makes for a convincing and illuminating war novel."


"...Propulsive ... Ganeshananthan's attention to the small details of love, of caring, of human empathy make the reader feel deeply for all her characters ... Riveting, heartbreaking and extraordinary for both its empathetic gaze and its clear-eyed depiction of the brutality of war, Brotherless Night is a masterpiece..."

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