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Серия: Sterling Gray FBI Profiler #2
Издательство: Severn River Publishing

When a sadistic human trafficker leads the kidnapping of an Interpol agent, only FBI profiler Sterling Gray can get inside his head…if Gray can stay alive long enough to do it.

The authorities have finally captured Somsak Ritthirong, the most dangerous human trafficker in Southeast Asia. Agent Gray takes the opportunity to interview him, hoping to gain insight into the man who committed so many human atrocities.

When he’s invited to tag along for Ritthirong's extradition to Thailand, Gray doesn’t expect to use any of his new knowledge—until Interpol Liaison Lillie Pratt is taken hostage.

Gray joins forces with a local detective to use his profiling skills to track down the people behind the missing agent, embarking on a wild cat-and-mouse chase across Thailand.

As dangerous forces close in from all directions, will Agent Gray uncover the truth in time to save Lillie Pratt from becoming another victim in Ritthirong’s brutal business?


Год издания: 2022

298 стр.

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