Моя оценка

You know how he died. This is how he lived.
Who was George Floyd? What did he hope for? What was life like for him? And why has his death been the catalyst for such a powerful global response?
Издательство: Bantam Press

ISBN: 9781787635838

Год издания: 2022


"... detailed, vivid and moving ... Perhaps for legal reasons, Samuels and Olorunnipa are uncharacteristically vague about other figures involved in leading Floyd to this fateful step, as well as in later getting him to appear in an amateur porn video ... In the page-turner second half of the book, the authors largely put aside efforts to link Floyd to broader racial trends and statistics as they follow him to Minneapolis, where he moved in 2017 in hopes of starting over ... The ups and downs of the last part of the book, which chronicles the aftermath of Floyd's murder, also make for poignant reading."

Лауреат: 2023 г.Дейтонская литературная премия мира (Научно-популярная книга)
Номинант: 2023 г.Книжная премия Дж. Энтони Лукаса
2022 г.Выбор сайта Goodreads (Лучшая история и биография)

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