"A great novel, Barnes’s masterpiece… Exquisite, intimate detail. He has given us a novel that is powerfully affecting, a condensed masterpiece that traces the lifelong battle of one man’s conscience, one man’s art, with the insupportable exigencies of totalitarianism." (Alex Preston Observer)
"Barnes’s sombre, brilliant new novel opens with a scene like something from a story by Chekhov… Gleaming with intelligence and literary flair, this elegantly composed fictional meditation offers a fresh gloss on a musical genius’s collisions and collusions with power." (Peter Kemp Sunday Times)
"[Barnes is] a master of the narrative sidestep… Not just a novel about music, but something more like a musical novel… The story itself is structured in three parts that come together like a broken chord. It is a simple but brilliant device, and one that goes right to the heart of this novel." (Robert Douglas-Fairhurst The Times)
"A compelling novel about art and power, courage and cowardice, and the capriciousness of fate…Barnes brilliantly captures the composer’s conflicted state of mind…This book is only 190 pages long, but it packs an extraordinary emotional punch." (Sebastian Shakespeare Tatler)
"The writing in the early pages is magnificent… The reader has the confidence of being in the hands of a master storyteller… Barnes has a good sense of what life was like in the Soviet Union. He captures well the black humor, irony and cynicism." (Orlando Figes New York Review of Books)
"Julian Barnes’ novel deftly evokes the complexity of Shostakovich’s relationship with Stalin and the power of his oeuvre… Thick with period detail… The book returns us to the music itself, that immense 20th-century oeuvre that contains everything but confirms nothing." (Hedley Twidle Financial Times)
"Gripping… An intimately illuminating montage of Shostakovich’s life… Immediately engaging." (James Lasdun Guardian)
"A novel of deceptive slenderness... You expect nothing less from a writer soaked in Flaubert." (Duncan White Daily Telegraph)
"A series of elegant insights into the mind of a brilliant artist… Throughout, Barnes offers a surety of touch that few writers can match." (Independent on Sunday)
"[A] sad, self-lacerating and darkly funny hybrid of a novel. The Noise of Time is both a burrowing meditation on an artist’s lifelong relationship with totalitarian power, fear and compromise, and a fascinating fictional biography of one of the 20th century’s greatest composers… Barnes is a master." (Tod Wodicka The National)
»Ein Meisterwerk« (Die Presse, Spectrum)
»Ein außerordentlich guter Roman.« (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
»Barnes gelingt es, die Angst des Einzelnen vor der Macht in Szenen zu fassen, die der Leser nicht vergessen wird. Auf 250 Seiten finden sich perfekte Sätze in einer Dichte, wie man sie sonst nur bei F. Scott Fitzgerald liest.« (Stern)
»Es ist das beste Buch von Barnes seit mehr als zehn Jahren.« (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
»Wer den Künstler und Menschen [Dmitri Schostakowitsch] umweglos und intim kennenlernen möchte, sollte ohne Zögern zu Julian Barnes' Der Lärm der Zeit greifen.« (Spiegel Online)
»perfekt durchkomponierter Roman« (Rolling Stone)
»Dieses Buch ist eine ergreifende Darstellung der Schwäche des Einzelnen in der Konfrontation mit der Macht.« (hr-Info)
»Was macht dieses so leichte, so schwere Buch mit uns? Es versucht, schnelles Urteilen zu verhindern.« (Kurier)
»Ein großartiger Roman, Barnes’ Meisterstück. Wie in ›Vom Ende einer Geschichte‹ erzählt er ein ganzes Leben in einem schmalen Buch.« (The Guardian)
»Man liest das mit großem Vergnügen.« (Rolf-Bernhard Essig mdr Kultur)