Иэн Макьюэн - Lessons

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When the world is still counting the cost of the Second World War and the Iron Curtain has closed,…
Издательство: Jonathan Cape

Лучшая рецензия



по подсчету енотов и печенья

9 июня 2024 г. 17:05


4 Упражнения жизни

Не сразу, ох, не с первой страницы мне удалось поймать нужный ритм этого чуть сбивчивого, красивого романа. Но, стоило втянуться, как меня неторопливо закачали волны истории, прямо-таки призывая узнать чуточку больше,…


ISBN: 9781787333970

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

Возрастные ограничения: 18+


"Nobody is better at writing about entropy, indignity and ejaculation — among other topics — than Ian McEwan ... One of McEwan's talents is to mingle the lovely with the nasty ... McEwan can make a reader feel as though she has bent forward to sniff a rose and received instead the odor of old sewage ... McEwan's use of global events in his fiction tends to be judicious and revealing ... These all serve as reminders that history is occurring. And maybe some readers do, in fact, require that reminder. But Roland is so passive that one gets the sense he'd be exactly the same guy in any other century, only with a different haircut ... One way to read Lessons is as a self-repudiation of the maneuver at which McEwan has become virtuosic. More authors should repudiate their virtuosity. The results are exciting."

Номинант: 2024 г.Ясная Поляна (Иностранная литература)
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