Кормак Маккарти - The Passenger

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1980, PASS CHRISTIAN, MISSISSIPPI: It is three in the morning when Bobby Western zips the jacket of his wet suit…
Цикл: The Passenger, книга №1
Издательство: Knopf

The Passenger, роман

ISBN: ‎030726899, 978-0307268990

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

Объём: 400 стр


"A proper 400-page tome ... The totality of McCarthy's twin books is that of a doomed love story between brother and sister. Sharing, in unequal measure, a passion for one another that is scandalously far from platonic, McCarthy never outright references incest in either work, yet the subject looms large in both ... It's a compelling premise for a mystery, but answers are not the point of this dizzyingly metaphysical treatise on the human condition ... It's a lot to absorb, but the less you worry about how all these countless threads could possibly tie together, the better you'll be prepared for the eventual reality: They don't ... The legacy of McCarthy's new offerings is, much as the author would surely wish, both magnificent and cruelly impossible to define."

Номинант: 2023 г.Медаль Эндрю Карнеги (Художественная книга)
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