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A landmark exploration of one of the most consequential and mysterious issues of our time: the rise of chronic illness and autoimmune diseases

A silent epidemic of chronic illnesses afflicts…
Издательство: Riverhead Books

ISBN: 9781594633799

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

336 pages, Hardcover


"O'Rourke boldly investigates the origin of her ills and possible cures. More crucially, she probes the cultural, psychological, and medical experiences of people with poorly understood or immune-mediated illnesses ... Refreshingly, Invisible Kingdom avoids battle analogies and a redemptive narrative arc ... O'Rourke's telling is an essential one ... One of the book's most riveting themes is how O'Rourke grapples with her identity as a sick person ... Invisible Kingdom couldn't be more timely."

Номинант: 2023 г.Медаль Эндрю Карнеги (Публицистика)
2022 г.Национальная книжная премия США (Документальная книга)

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