Джонатан Эскоффери - If I Survive You

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If I Survive You is a collection of connected short stories that reads like a novel, that reads like real life,…
Издательство: MCD

Лучшая рецензия

31 августа 2023 г. 19:51


4 WHAT are you?

Семь историй, рассказанные членами одной семьи мигрантов из Ямайки.

You can't project love while burying yourself.

Каждый из них по-своему сталкивается с кризисом идентичности, расизмом, пытается выжить в чужой стране.

I had begun…


ISBN: 9780374605988

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

Hardcover, 260 pages
Published September 6th 2022 by MCD


"Ravishing ... The book, about an immigrant family struggling to make ends meet, delights in mocking the trope of an immigrant family struggling to make ends meet ... There's peacocking humor, capers, and passages of shuddering eroticism. The book feels thrillingly free ... Escoffery's protagonists, though resourceful, can't accomplish the impossible; nor do they sacrifice themselves for the reader's sentimental education ... The prose comes alive ... These characters are strange amalgams of limited agency and boundless originality. Their survival, perhaps, comes down to their style ... Escoffery deftly renders the disorienting effects of race as they fall, veil-like and hostile, over a world of children ... Throughout, the refrain runs like an incantation: What are you? Escoffery, hosing his characters in a stream of fines, bills, and pay stubs, studies the bleak math of self-determination."

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