Night of the Living Rez

Morgan Talty - Night of the Living Rez

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Finalist for the New England Book Award for Fiction A New York Times, TIME, The Boston Globe, Vulture,…
Издательство: Tin House

ISBN: 978-1953534187

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский


"Talty depicts the relationship between David and Paige perfectly — the siblings clearly care for each other; it's evident beneath the bickering and the long periods when they don't see each other ... The story ends with both mother and son experiencing terrifying medical emergencies; it's almost excruciating to read, but it's undeniably powerful, and, in its own way, beautiful ... Talty's prose is flawless throughout; he writes with a straightforward leanness that will likely appeal to admirers of Thom Jones or Denis Johnson. But his style is all his own, as is his immense sense of compassion. Night of the Living Rez is a stunning look at a family navigating their lives through crisis — it's a shockingly strong debut, sure, but it's also a masterwork by a major talent."

Лауреат: 2023 г.Литературная премия штата Мэн (Художественная литература)
2023 г.Премия Сью Кауфман (Лучший дебют в художественной литературе)
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2023 г.Национальная книжная премия общества критиков (Премия имени Джона Леонарда за первую книгу)
2022 г.Книжная премия Новой Англии (Художественная литература для взрослых)
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