Моя оценка

Серия: Sugarlake Series


My life is a stage.
Followed by millions, and loved by none.
And me, the captain of control, steering my image through choppy waters.
Making sure I stay on top.
No one ever sees me.
No one ever looks.
Until him.
But he's everything impossible, and a thousand shades of wrong.
Falling for him would ruin everything I've worked for.
So why can't I stay away?


My life is a back-up plan.
Surrounded by friends, and loved by none.
And me, the king of heartbreak, gluing my pieces back together.
Making sure they stick.
No one ever sees me.
No one ever looks.
Until her.
But she's everything off limits, and a thousand shades of sin.
Falling for her would ruin everything I've worked for.
So why won't she stay away?

ISBN: 1737508354

Год издания: 2021

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