How High We Go in the Dark

Секвойя Нагамацу - How High We Go in the Dark

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For fans of Cloud Atlas and Station Eleven, a spellbinding and profoundly prescient debut that follows a cast of…
Издательство: William Morrow

Лучшая рецензия

16 февраля 2023 г. 22:59


2 Самое унылое будущее, или мне так показалось

Не встречала более скучной и унылой книги чем эта.

По аннотации и отзывам казалось, что сюжет топчик! Актуалочка! Пробудившаяся во льдах инфекция! Книга хайпует в англоговорящих чартах! А оказалось - скука смертная. По сюжету,…


ISBN: 9780063072640

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

304 pages, Hardcover

Возрастные ограничения: 12+


"... an absorbing and heartbreaking contemplation on the very nature of life, death, and what it means to be human. Stretching across eons and worlds, these stories provide the power of short narratives, while each builds on the larger text. The novel-in-stories is a form that many writers attempt; Nagamatsu clearly ranks among the masters. Beyond the sheer joy of reading a well-formed text, this novel also presents massive themes in smaller, intimate stories. This form allows us to become immersed in the details of characters' everyday lives, individual struggles, and personal grief, leaving us willing to absorb the larger whole rather than being alienated ... This is not a book to read straight through (as I did)—it will make you weep—but it is a book as full of hope, humanity, and possibility as the grief and loss of climate disaster and pandemic laid unflinchingly bare."

Я — автор этой книги

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