Hotel Midnight

Саймон Кларк - Hotel Midnight

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This collection includes eleven stories and an introduction. From a trip to an alternative London you'd rather…
Издательство: ROBERT HALE LTD

On Wings That So Darkly Beat
The Burning Doorway (revised for this collection)
The House That Fell Backwards (a novella)
Demon Me
The Whitby Experience
Goblin City Lights
Two Dead Detectives
The Hand of Glory
The Electra Suite: Vamphyrric Outcast, Wall Eye, and Jack of Bones (a novella)

ISBN: 0709078196

Год издания: 2005

Язык: Английский

Hardcover, 221 pages

Номинант: 2006 г.Британская премия фэнтези (Лучший сборник)
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