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A collection of supernatural tales from the gothic graveyards of the 19th-century to spine-tingling and unusual settings of the modern age which includes work by Charles Dickens, Nathaniel…

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Серия: The Mammoth Book
Издательство: Running Press


Robert Aickman The Unsettled Dust
Louisa Baldwin How He Left the Hotel
Nugent Barker Whessoe
E.F. Benson The Shuttered Room
Ambrose Bierce An Inhabitant of Carcosa
Charles Birkin Is there Anybody there?
Algernon Blackwood The Whisperers
L.M. Boston Curfew
A.M. Burrage I'm Sure it was No. 31
Ramsay Campbell The Guide
R. Chetwynd-Hayes The Limping Ghost
Wilkie Collins Mrs Zant and the Ghost
Basil Copper The House by the Tarn
Ralph A. Cram In Kropfsberg Keep
Daniel Defoe The Ghost in all the Rooms
Charles Dickens The Bagman's Uncle
Arthur Conan-Doyle The Bully of Brocas Court
Amelia B. Edwards In the Confessional
Shamus Frazer The Tune in Dan's Caf
John S. Glasby Beyond the Bourne
William Hope Hodgson The Valley of Lost Children
Fergus Hume The Sand-Walker
Henry James The Real Right Thing
M.R. James The Haunted Dolls' House
Roger Johnson The Wall-Painting
Rudyard Kipling They
D.H. Lawrence The Last Laugh
Margery Lawrence Robin's Rath
J. Sheridan Le Fanu The Dream
R.H. Malden The Sundial
Richard Marsh The Fifteenth Man
John Metcalfe Brenner's Boy
Edith Nesbit Uncle Abraham's Romance
Fitz-James O'Brien What was It?
Vincent O'Sullivan The Next Room
Roger Pater The Footstep of the Aventine
Edgar Allan Poe William Wilson
Forrest Reid Courage
Mrs J.H. Riddell The Last of Squire Ennismore
L.T.C. Rolte The Garside Fell Disaster
David G. Rowlands The Tears of St. Agatha
Saki The Soul of Laploshka
Sapper The Old Dining-Room
Montague Summers The Between-Maid
Mark Twain A Ghost Story
Mark Valentine The Folly
H. Russell Wakefield Out of the Wrack I Rise
Karl Edward Wagner In the Pines
Manly Wade Wellman Where Angels Fear
Edward Lucas White The House of the Nightmare
Oscar Wilde The Canterville Ghost
William J. Wintle The Spectre Spiders

ISBN: 0881845906

Год издания: 1993

Язык: Английский

Paperback, 654 pages

Номинант: 1991 г.Британская премия фэнтези (Лучшая антология / сборник)

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