The Greatest Works of Saki - 145 Titles in One Edition



Моя оценка

Musaicum Press presents to you a collection of the greatest wrorks written by renowned author Saki, H. H. Munro
Издательство: Musaicum Books

Table of Contents:


The Unbearable Bassington

When William Came

Short Stories:


Reginald on Christmas Presents

Reginald on the Academy

Reginald at the Theatre

Reginald's Peace Poem

Reginald's Choir Treat

Reginald on Worries

Reginald on House-Parties

Reginald at the Carlton

Reginald on Besetting Sins

Reginald's Drama

Reginald on Tariffs

Reginald's Christmas Revel

Reginald's Rubaiyat

The Innocence of Reginald

Reginald in Russia

The Reticence of Lady Anne

The Lost Sanjak

The Sex that Doesn't Shop

The Blood-Feud of Toad-Water

A Young-Turkish Catastrophe

Judkin of the Parcels


The Saint and the Goblin

The Soul of Laploshka

The Bag

The Strategist

Cross Currents

The Baker's Dozen

The Mouse

The Chronicles of Clovis


The Match-Maker


Mrs. Packletide's Tiger

The Stampeding of Lady …

ISBN: 9788027243402

Год издания: 2018

Язык: Английский

Жанры:  Зарубежная литература


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