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Издательство: The New York Public Library

Chirpy Cricket sleeps in his little hole in Farmer Green’s farmyard all day but when night falls, he comes out of his hole and makes his music with other members of the cricket family. Chirpy calls the noise he makes with his legs ‘fiddling’ and he loves to fiddle. When he isn’t fiddling, he gathers grass to take back to his hole to eat. Chirpy also likes to visit other creatures on the farm such as Tommy Tree Cricket, Freddie Firefly, Mr. Cricket Frog and others. Arthur Scott Bailey wrote a number of children’s books. This book is part of his ‘Tuck-Me-In Tales’ series. Bailey managed to slip facts about the various creatures into his books without sounding ‘preachy’ and incorporated science into his wonderful stories while still giving his characters distinct personalities.

ISBN: 978-1131064826, 1131064828

Год издания: 2011

This book is a replica of the original from the collections of The New York Public Library; it was produced from digital images created by The New York Public Library and its partners as part of their preservation efforts. To enhance your reading pleasure, the aging and scanning artifacts have been removed using patented page cleaning technology. We hope you enjoy the result.

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