Моя оценка

Ismail, the profesor, is a retired teacher in a small Colombian town where he passes the days pretending to pick oranges while spying on his neighbor Geraldina as she lies naked in the shade of a ceiba tree on a red floral quilt. The garden burns with sunlight; the macaws laugh sweetly.
Otilia, Ismail's wife, is ashamed of his peeping and suggests that he pay a visit to Father Albornoz. Instead, Ismail wanders the town visiting old friends, plagued by a tangle of secret memories. "Where have I existed these years? I answer myself; up on the wall, peering over."

When the armies slowly arrive, the profesor's reveries are gradually taken…

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Los ejércitos

Первая публикация: 2006

Язык: Английский (в оригинале Испанский)

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