
Моя оценка

Издательство: Avatar Press

Kenji Nakamura wants revenge on the Kuroko-Kai for what they’ve done. And he is willing to sacrifice his very humanity to have it! Approached by the mysterious Nameless Ones, Nakamura discovers the secret of the Stitched and uses their soulless drive for destruction to rein misery upon his targets within the criminal organization. Violence and terror drive the Kuroko-Kai to bloody revenge and one slip up by Nakamura will put his family and friends in their vicious sights. But the secret of the Stitched comes with a steep price and his family may ultimately be the ones to pay in blood for his ambition and vengeance! Weaving a story of ancient evil and terrifying horror, Stitched is a modern masterpiece of darkest nightmare.

Год издания: 2013

Язык: Русский

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