
Моя оценка

As a Navy SEAL, Matt O'Connor specializes in Bad Boy. At least, that's what he thinks...until he finds himself face down on the floor during a bank robbery, arguing with a sexy, bad-girl blonde who wields her sharp tongue with surgical precision.

Just like that, Matt begins to wonder if maybe the idea of settling down with one woman isn't as crazy as he thought.

Savannah Harte is addicted to first kisses and whirlwind romances. Once the thrill is gone, though, she's outta there. She's eager to follow the adrenaline rush she feels with Matt into the nearest bed, but when tangled sheets begin to feel like tangled heartstrings, her first…
Цикл: Out of Uniform, книга №6

Форма: новелла

Оригинальное название: The Heat is On

Первая публикация: 2011

Язык: Английский

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