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One look at Thomas Becker's seriously ripped body, and Jane Harrison is having trouble remembering why she tracked down the Navy SEAL. Oh, yes, that hot scoop for her magazine. Instead they get trapped in an elevator together--and she gets sizzling hot sex.

After the delicious encounter is over, Becker's out of there, she's left off balance, and even more determined not to take no for an answer. Either for that interview, or another chance to find out if he always goes commando.

One minute Becker is making it plain his answer is no. The next, he's using the only weapon at hand to calm her confined-space panic attack--a kiss. And…
Цикл: Out of Uniform, книга №4

Форма: новелла

Оригинальное название: Heat It Up

Первая публикация: June 29, 2010

Язык: Английский

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