Shadow Over Babylon

David Mason - Shadow Over Babylon

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American intelligence experts uncover a successful plot by a British businessman and a government minister to…
Издательство: Dutton Adult

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18 августа 2021 г. 19:57


4 Неплохо

Интересная книга, главным образом со стороны как планируются и финансируются глобальные спецоперации. Неплохо показан снайпинг на сверхдальних расстояниях, но все не так как у Стивена Хантера.

ISBN: 978-0525937098

Год издания: 1993

Язык: Английский

Hardcover: 496 pages
Publisher: Dutton Adult; First Edition edition (November 1, 1993)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0525937099
ISBN-13: 978-0525937098
Product Dimensions: 20 x 20 x 20 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds

From Publishers Weekly
Mason's suspenseful debut depicts the international repercussions of a British securities expert's attempt to assassinate Saddam Hussein.
Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Library Journal
A British businessman is approached in 1991 with a bizarre request: Would he assassinate Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein? The British government cannot be involved; the affair must be a "private venture." Suitable capital for the task will be provided, and rewards are promised. The businessman agrees and proceeds to hire a security consultant, who finds operatives, devises a plan, and begins work. Eventually, he is successful in killing Hussein, and then the inevitable plot twist occurs. Although Mason has plugged into a popular fantasy and provided a plan of satisfactory intricacy, this first novel doesn't have much feel for dialog or motivation. Moreover, it plays unfairly with the reader and has ludicrously awful sex scenes. A low-priority purchase; some libraries with large budgets may be interested. Previewed in Prepub Alert, LJ 7/93.
- Edwin B. Bur gess, U.S. Army TRALINET Ctr., Fort Monroe, Va.
Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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